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AAPG Bulletin
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Heat Conductivity of Some Carbonate Rocks and Clayey Sandstones
H. Zierfuss
Petrography-Porosity Relations in Carbonate-Quartz System, Gatesburg Formation (Late Cambrian), Pennsylvania
Richard E. Smith
Mather and Hockingport Sandstone Lentils (Pennsylvanian and Permian) of Dunkard Basin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio
Wayne D. Martin , Bernard R. Henniger
Chenier Versus Barrier, Genetic and Stratigraphic Distinction
John H. Hoyt
Relation and History of Structures in a Sedimentary Succession with Deeper Metamorphic Structures, Eastern Great Basin
Robert B. Nelson
Petrographic Analysis of Atokan Carbonate Rocks in Central and Southern Great Basin
Mark Rich
Structural Analysis of Fractures in Cores from Saticoy Field, Ventura County, California
M. Friedman
Physiography and Sedimentary Processes of La Jolla Submarine Fan and Fan-Valley, California
F. P. Shepard , R. F. Dill , Ulrich Von Rad
Stratigraphy of Eastern Assemblage Rocks in a Window in Roberts Mountains Thrust, Northern Toquima Range, Central Nevada: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
Edwin H. McKee , Reuben J. Ross, Jr.
Age of Nation River Formation, East-Central Alaska: DISCUSSION
Earl E. Brabb , Michael Churkin, Jr.
Gravitational Tensional Faulting and Tectonic Denudation: DISCUSSION
Peter J. Coney
Gravitational Tensional Faulting and Tectonic Denudation: REPLY
Ernst Cloos
Lower Cretaceous Geology, Northwestern Karnes County, Texas: DISCUSSION
Larry L. Jones
Lower Cretaceous Geology, Northwestern Karnes County, Texas: REPLY
Delos R. Tucker
Pleistocene Sea-Level Fluctuations off Southern California and Their Relation to Continental Slope Sedimentation: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Dill
Development of Long Beach Unit in Offshore Part of Wilmington Field: ABSTRACT
S. E. Szasz, J. H. Fantozzi, William A. Adent
Advances in Interpretation of Offshore Seismic Data: ABSTRACT
Judson B. Hughes, Jr., J. R. Harris, S. O. Patterson
International Law and Technology for Sea Floor: ABSTRACT
M. K. Albright
What's Ahead on O.C.S. in Pacific: ABSTRACT
D. Solanas
Glomar Challenger and Deep-Sea Drilling Program: ABSTRACT
A. J. Field, Melvin N. A. Peterson
Adak "Paleozoic" Site, Aleutians--In Fact of Eocene Age: ABSTRACT
David W. Scholl, H. Gary Greene, Warren O. Addicott, William R. Evitt, Richard L. Pierce, Sergius H. Mamay, Michael S. Marlow
Air Force Western Test Range Operations: ABSTRACT
Donald M. Benn
Rapid Changes in Head of Rio Balsas Submarine Canyon, Mexico: ABSTRACT
Erk Reimnitz
Summary Report on Recent Developments, Santa Barbara Channel, California: ABSTRACT
K. B. Hall, John F. Curran
Anacapa Rift, California: ABSTRACT
Robert S. Yeats
Miocene Volcanic Rocks of Northern Channel Islands, California: ABSTRACT
B. Nolf
Miocene Volcanics of Western Santa Monica Mountains, California: ABSTRACT
Bruce A. Blackerby
Lower Tertiary Paleocurrent Trends, Santa Cruz Island, California: ABSTRACT
Walter R. Merschat
Field Geology in a Marine Environment: ABSTRACT
B. C. Osborn
Sediments of Inner Continental Shelf off Northern Washington Coast: ABSTRACT
K. Venkatarathnam, Dean A. McManus
Bathymetry and Sedimentary Structures of Santa Cruz Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Peter W. Barnes
Geologic Effects Produced by Compaction of Meganos Gorge Fill, California: ABSTRACT
William F. Edmondson
Processes Affecting Distribution of Foraminifera and Other Biogenic Sediment Components off Coast of Washington and Oregon: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Harman
Sediment-Foraminiferal Relations within Inner Sublittoral Zone off Coast of Washington: ABSTRACT
Ronald J. Echols, Sarah S. Barnes, Robert A. Harman
Sedimentary Structures and Paleocurrent Analysis of Sespe Formation, Ventura Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Willard A. McCracken
Hierarchical Analysis of Variance of Shelf-Sediment Texture: ABSTRACT
James C. Kelley, Dean A. McManus
Heavy Minerals on Continental Shelf of Northern Bering Sea: ABSTRACT
K. Venkatarathnam, Dean A. McManus
Processes Affecting Distribution and Dispersal of Suspended Matter in Columbia River Effluent System: ABSTRACT
T. J. Conomos
Sand Transport in Region of Shoaling Waves: ABSTRACT
David O. Cook
Computer Simulation of Nearshore Sediment Transport: ABSTRACT
Graeme F. Bonham-Carter
A "Semipro" Revisits Middle Tertiary Foraminiferal Sequence of California Coast Ranges: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Kleinpell
Lineage Genera Classification of Lower Paleogene Planktonic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT
P. Lewis Steineck
Planktonic Foraminiferal Indices Common to Lower Pliocene of Southern California and Italy: ABSTRACT
Orville L. Bandy, Meei-Meei Yen, Ramil C. Wright
Foraminiferal Trends in Oregon Sublittoral: ABSTRACT
Richard S. Boettcher, Gerald A. Fowler
Distribution of Foraminifera on Alaskan and Siberian Continental Shelves: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Harman, Susan C. Cooper
Secondary Calcification in Globorotalia Menardii (Foraminiferida): ABSTRACT
Robert L. Fleisher
Size-Depth Variation in Foraminifer Cyclammina Cancellata Brady from Peru-Chile Trench Area: ABSTRACT
Fritz Theyer
Geologic Significance of Prunopyle Titan Campbell and Clark: ABSTRACT
Orville L. Bandy, Richard E. Casey, Ramil C. Wright
Ultrastructure Studies of Selected Benthic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT
Richard P. Stapleton
Tertiary Foraminiferal Paleoecology and Biostratigraphy of Part of Oregon Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
Gerald A. Fowler, Gary E. Muehlberg
Correlation of Marine Middle Tertiary Stages of California with Tropical Planktonic Zones: ABSTRACT
Orville L. Bandy, James A. Wilcoxon
Sedimentation in Santa Barbara Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Andrew Soutar
Anaerobic Basin Sedimentation and Differential Preservation of Planktonic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT
Wolfgang H. Berger
Middle Tertiary Stratigraphy of Santa Rosa Island, California: ABSTRACT
Fred A. Avila
Paleogene Sequence in Northern Channel Islands, California: ABSTRACT
David Doerner
Miocene Biostratigraphy of Southwestern Santa Cruz Island, California: ABSTRACT
S. Robert Bereskin
Geophysical Survey Application of Doppler Sonar Navigation Systems: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Maxwell, P. A. Gaechter
Velocity Anisotropy of Upper Mantle: ABSTRACT
G. B. Morris, R. W. Raitt, G. G. Shor, Jr.
Oil Fields, Gravity Anomalies, and Surface Chemical Manifestations--Correlations, Causes, and Exploration Significance: ABSTRACT
Thane M. McCulloh
Gravity of Northern Channel Islands: ABSTRACT
John K. Aldrich
Bouguer Reduction Technique for Surface Ship Gravity Meter Data: ABSTRACT
E. Berkman, T. R. Lafehr
Applications of Continuous Reflection Parameter Determination: ABSTRACT
Melvan D. Carter
Seismic Record Section in Depth: ABSTRACT
James M. Hornsby
Searching for Stratigraphic Traps: ABSTRACT
C. H. Dix
Title to be announced: ABSTRACT
Milton Dobrin
Portable Refraction Seismography Survey of Gold Placer Areas Near Nome, Alaska: ABSTRACT
H. Gary Greene
Title to be announced: ABSTRACT
Richard Tagg
Structure of the Continental Shelf off Southern Oregon: ABSTRACT
William E. Bales, L. D. Kulm
Shallow Structure and Sedimentation of Upper Continental Slope off Southern and Central Oregon: A Preliminary Investigation: ABSTRACT
L. D. Kulm, William E. Bales
Continuous Seismic Profiling on Continental Shelf off Washington: ABSTRACT
Lee C. Bennett, Jr.