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AAPG Bulletin
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Detrital Dolomite in Onondaga Limestone (Middle Devonian) of New York: Its Implications to the "Dolomite Question"
R. C. Lindholm
Fold Geometry Within Part of Michigan Basin, Michigan
E. H. Timothy Whitten , Walter A. Beckman, Jr.
Phylloid Algal-Mound Complexes in Outcropping Upper Pennsylvanian Rocks of Mid-Continent
Philip H. Heckel , J. M. Cocke
Paleobathymetry of Cretaceous Greenhorn Sea in Eastern Colorado
Don L. Eicher
Stratigraphic Relations Within Upper Chugwater Group (Triassic), Wyoming
Lee R. High, Jr. , M. Dane Picard
Oncolites, Paleoecology, and Laramide Tectonics, Central Utah
Malcolm P. Weiss
Availability of Geologic Maps in Some Western European Countries: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Earl E. Brabb
Annotated Bibliography of Guidebooks to Tertiary Deposits in Some Western European Countries: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Earl E. Brabb