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AAPG Bulletin
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Geologic Framework of Continental Shelf off Northwest Australia
R. G. Mollan , R. W. Craig , M. J. W. Lofting
Mud Volcanoes in New Zealand
M. F. Ridd
Role of Gravity, Temperature Gradients, and Ion-Exchange Media in Formation of Fossil Brines
P. C. Mangelsdorf, Jr. , F. T. Manheim , J. M. T. M. Gieskes
Sulfur Isotope Abundances and Genetic Relations of Oil Accumulations in Middle East Basin
H. G. Thode , Jan Monster
Regression Models for Faulted Structural Surfaces
W. R. James
Sedimentary Environment and Sediments of Cook Inlet, Alaska
G. D. Sharma , D. C. Burrell
Evidence for Evaporite Diapirism in Northeastern Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. E. Weidie , Joseph D. Martinez
Neogene Stratigraphy in Western Cuba: New Data: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent
Permian Evaporites in North Sea Basin: DISCUSSION
Denys B. Smith
Permian Evaporites in North Sea Basin: REPLY
R. G. W. Brunstrom , P. J. Walmsley