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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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The Geological Attitude

John G. C. M. Fuller

Aeromagnetic Evidence and Geologic Structure, Northern Olympic Peninsula and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington

Robert D. Brown, Jr. , William F. Hanna

Sulfur and Carbon Isotopic Investigation of Petroleum, Wind River Basin, Wyoming

Stratigraphic Analysis of Upper Permian and Lower Triassic Strata in Southern Utah

C. Dennis Irwin

Deep Test in Ouachita Structural Belt of Central Texas

R. A. Rozendal , W. S. Erskine

Permo-Triassic Sedimentation Patterns, Sydney Basin, Australia

John R. Conolly , John C. Ferm

Evaporites and Petroleum: DISCUSSION

N. A. Kudryavtsev

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

R. G. W. Brunstrom , Peter J. Walmsley

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

L. L. Sloss

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

Fred B Phleger

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

Robert F. Schmalz

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

James A. Peterson

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

Christopher G. St. C. Kendall

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

J. G. C. M. Fuller , J. W. Porter

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

Louis F. Dellwig , Robert Evans

Evaporites and Petroleum: REPLY

Louis H. Goldsmith

Carboniferous of Egypt: DISCUSSION

D. A. Rigassi

Carboniferous of Egypt: REPLY

Soliman M. Soliman

Cretaceous of Western Desert, Egypt: DISCUSSION

D. A. Rigassi

Cretaceous of Western Desert, Egypt: REPLY

Soliman M. Soliman

Continuous Seismic-Reflection Study of Orpheus Gravity Anomaly: DISCUSSION

E. P. Williams

Continuous Seismic-Reflection Study of Orpheus Gravity Anomaly: REPLY

Lewis H. King , Brian MacLean

Basic Disposal-Well Design: ABSTRACT

A. C. Barlow

Water-Mineral Reactions: ABSTRACT

Ivan Barnes

Deep Disposal Systems for Radioactive Wastes: ABSTRACT

Walter G. Belter

Application of Transport Equations to Flowing Groundwater Systems: ABSTRACT

John D. Bredehoeft, George F. Pinder

Disposal of Nuclear Waste by In Situ Incorporation in Deep Molten Silicate Rock: ABSTRACT

J. J. Cohen, A. E. Lewis, R. L. Braun

Injection Wells and Operations Today: ABSTRACT

Erle C. Donaldson

Role of Biota in Underground Waste Injection and Storage: ABSTRACT

Garry G. Ehrlich

Hydrologic Systems: ABSTRACT

J. G. Ferris

Control of Unconsolidated Sands in Waste-Disposal Wells: ABSTRACT

Rabey J. Funk, Kenneth E. Davis

Geologic Framework for Successful Underground Waste Management: ABSTRACT

John E. Galley

Geochemical Effects and Movement of Injected Industrial Waste in a Limestone Aquifer: ABSTRACT

Donald A. Goolsby

Natural Membrane Phenomena and Subsurface Waste Emplacement: ABSTRACT

Bruce B. Hanshaw

Federal Regulations as They Relate to Underground Waste Management: ABSTRACT

Thomas P. Harrison, II

Waste Disposal in Saline Aquifers Affected by Geothermal Heating: ABSTRACT

H. R. Henry, F. A. Kohout

Regulation of Subsurface Disposal in Texas: ABSTRACT

Robert B. Hill

Compatibility of Injection Fluids with Reservoir Components: ABSTRACT

W. F. Hower, R. M. Lasater, R. G. Mihram

Natural and Induced Fracture Orientation: ABSTRACT

M. King Hubbert

Geometry of Sandstone Reservoir Bodies: ABSTRACT

Rufus J. Leblanc, Sr.

Magnitude of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Program Facing the Nation: ABSTRACT

Kenneth M. Mackenthun

Disposal-Well Dimensions, Injection Rates, and Cost Responses: ABSTRACT

Joseph F. Malina, Jr., Joe C. Moseley II

Large Saltwater Disposal Systems at East Texas and Hastings Oil Fields, Texas: ABSTRACT

Jack McWilliams

Deep-Well Acid Disposal--Planning and Completion: ABSTRACT

G. Warren Ostroot, Joe Ramos

Subsidence and Its Control: ABSTRACT

J. F. Poland

Dilemma of Industrial Wastewater Treatment: ABSTRACT

Thomas J. Powers

Earthquakes and Fluid Injection: ABSTRACT

C. B. Raleigh

Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters for Subsurface Injection: ABSTRACT

Ronald D. Sadow

Mechanical and Chemical Effects of Pore Fluids on Rock Properties: ABSTRACT

H. S. Swolfs, M. Friedman

Requirements for Monitoring of Industrial Deep-Well Waste-Disposal Systems: ABSTRACT

J. S. Talbot

Sorption Phenomena Significant in Radioactive Waste Disposal: ABSTRACT

Tsuneo Tamura

Liability for Harm from Underground Waste Disposal: ABSTRACT

Frank J. Trelease

Effect of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Underground Waste Disposal: ABSTRACT

J. E. Warren

Hydrodynamics of Fluid Injection: ABSTRACT

P. A. Witherspoon, S. P. Neuman