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AAPG Bulletin
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Foreign Development Papers, 1970
K. Anthony Snow
Review of 1970 Petroleum Developments in South America, Central America, and Caribbean Area
C. H. Neff
Petroleum Exploration and Production in Europe in 1970
Robert E. King
Petroleum Developments in North Africa in 1970
Roland Michel
Petroleum Developments in Central and Southern Africa in 1970
John C. Hazzard , Anthony E. L. Morris , Stanley G. Wissler
Petroleum Developments in Middle East Countries in 1970
John F. Mason , Quentin M. Moore
Petroleum Exploration Activities in Israel During 1970
G. Gvirtzman , R. G. S. Hanreck
Petroleum Developments in Far East in 1970
Wilson Humphrey
Petroleum Developments in New Zealand During 1970
Hans R. Katz
Petroleum Developments in Australia in 1970
Edward F. Durkee
Petroleum Developments in Mexico in 1970
Ricardo Acosta-Estevez
Who is Minding Our Energy Business?: ABSTRACT
B. W. Beebe
Helium in Hugoton Gas Field: ABSTRACT
J. Robert Berg
Deep Drilling Technology: ABSTRACT
William E. Bradford
Mathers Ranch: ABSTRACT
Hershel Carver
Oil and Gas Funds--Their Future in Financial Planning: ABSTRACT
Donald S. Clarke
Morrow-Springer Trend, Anadarko Basin, Target for the 70's: ABSTRACT
Herbert Davis
Geology, Petrology, and Reservoir Characteristics of Marchand Sandstone in Grady and Caddo Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Tom Graff
Problems of Natural Gas Supply: ABSTRACT
B. E. Harrell
Natural Gas in Anadarko Basin: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Hefner, III
Interdisciplinary Approach to Successful Drilling: ABSTRACT
L. R. Louden, Billy W. Aud
Hamon Locke Multipay Field: ABSTRACT
John W. Mason
Geochemistry and Geology of Helium: ABSTRACT
Carl A. Moore, Bijan Esfandiari
How Spacing Can Keep the Geologist Working and Why: ABSTRACT
Ferrill H. Rogers
Smackover's Significant Walker Creek (Arkansas): ABSTRACT
Dalton J. Woods
Biostratigraphy of Some Neogene Formations, Northern Florida and Atlantic Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT
W. H. Akers
Origin and Development of Turborotalia pachyderma (Ehrenberg): ABSTRACT
Orville L. Bandy
Geology of Oligocene Hackberry Trend, Gillis English Bayou--Manchester Area, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Paul H. Benson
Stratigraphic Control of Production from Jurassic Calcarenites, Red Rock Field, Webster Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
William F. Bishop
Quantifying Multiple Working Geologic Hypotheses--Geology and Competitive Offshore Lease Bidding: ABSTRACT
Richard W. Boebel
Black Warrior Basin: ABSTRACT
Lawrence F. Boland, Edward D. Minihan, William A. Thomas
East Bay, Mississippi River Delta: ABSTRACT
Arnold H. Bouma, Frank B. Chmelik, Richard Rezak
Preliminary Scanning Electron Microscope Observations on Orbitolina from Lower Cretaceous Glen Rose Formation, Texas: ABSTRACT
E.C. Camacho
Grand Isle Barrier Island, Louisiana--Human Activity in Natural Dynamic System: ABSTRACT
Willis E. Conatser, Charles C. Almy, Jr.
Maestrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Biostratigraphy, Maverick County, Texas, and Northern Coahuila, Mexico: ABSTRACT
John D. Cooper
Claiborne Group of Central Texas: Record of Middle Eocene Marine and Coastal Plain Deposition: ABSTRACT
David K. Davies, Frank G. Ethridge
Distributary-Front Deposits Interpreted From Dipmeter Patterns: ABSTRACT
J. A. Gilreath, Ray W. Stephens
Paleoecology, Stratigraphy, Production--Getting It All Together in Offshore Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Gerald C. Glaser, Andrew C. Jurasin
Early Miocene Depositional Environments Interpreted from Exposures in Cane River Diversion Channel, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Michael E. Glowacz, John C. Horne
Turbidity Generation and Distribution in Tampa Bay Monitored with Towable Optical Transmissometer: ABSTRACT
George M. Griffin, S. Gene Whitney
"G2" Channel Sandstone, Main Pass Block 35 Field: ABSTRACT
James A. Hartman
Lower Cretaceous Sligo Reef Trends in Central Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Leo A. Herrmann
Surface Features of Quartz Sand Grains from Northeast Coast, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Raymond P. Karpovich
Geology of Jurassic, Flomation-Jay Area, Alabama and Florida: ABSTRACT
Paul L. Keyes
Lower Miocene Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential, Offshore Galveston and Jefferson Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Howard W. Kiatta
Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleomagnetics of Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Strata at Le Castella, Italy: ABSTRACT
James L. Lamb
Story of Big Wells: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Layden
Stratigraphy of Cibicides carstensi Zone, Miocene of Louisiana: ABSTRACT
W. P. Leutze
Sediments and Depositional History of Southeast Lobe of Colorado River Delta, Texas: ABSTRACT
Leroy L. Manka, Richard Steinmetz
Origin and Chronology of Alabama River Terraces: ABSTRACT
R. W. Maxwell, Jr.
Logarithmic Spire in Planktonic Foraminiferida: Its Use in Taxonomy, Evolution, and Paleo-ecology: ABSTRACT
Richard K. Olsson
Geology and Geophysics of East Nancy Field, Clarke County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Marvin Oxley, Daniel E. Herlihy
Petrology and Sedimentation of Hackberry Sequence of Southwest Louisiana: ABSTRACT
William R. Paine
New Pleistocene Marine Fossil Locality in Chambers County, Texas: ABSTRACT
William R. Pampe
Reevaluation of Gulf Coast Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary: ABSTRACT
C. Wylie Poag
Petrography of Selected Tertiary Limestone Type Sections in Florida: ABSTRACT
Anthony F. Randazzo
Potentially Petroliferous Trends in Florida as Defined by Geothermal Gradients: ABSTRACT
David A. Reel, George M. Griffin
Application of ISF/Sonic Combination Tool to Gulf Coast Formations: ABSTRACT
N. A. Schuster, J. D. Badon, E. R. Robbins
Diagenetic Aspects of Submarine Cementation in Bermuda "Boiler" Reefs: ABSTRACT
Eugene A. Shinn, R. N. Ginsburg
Recent Developments in Miocene Planulina Gas Trend of South Louisiana: ABSTRACT
B. J. Sloane
Contribution of JOIDES to our Geologic Knowledge of Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Lee A. Smith
Environmental Controls of Benthic Macrofaunal Patterns in Gulf of Mexico Adjacent to Mississippi Delta: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Stanton, Jr., Ian Evans
Origin of Cabo Rojo Beach-Ridge Plain, Veracruz, Mexico: ABSTRACT
Frank W. Stapor, Jr.
Theoretical Approach to History of Southern United States: ABSTRACT
William F. Tanner
Tabasco Beach-Ridge Plain: an Eroding Coast: ABSTRACT
W. F. Tanner, F. W. Stapor, Jr.
Ostracoda of Coastal Group of Formations of Jamaica: ABSTRACT
W. A. Van Den Bold
Geology of Freeport Rocks, Offshore Texas: ABSTRACT
Paul D. Winchester
Regional Structure, Stratigraphy, and Oil Possibilities of South Florida Basin: ABSTRACT
George O. Winston
Gulf Coast Rule of Thumb Economics: ABSTRACT
Thomas J. Wintermute
Sedimentary Environments and Occurrence of Major Hydrocarbon Accumulations: ABSTRACT
Hunter Yarborough