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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Late Cretaceous Nappes in Oman Mountains and Their Geologic Evolution

K. W. Glennie , M. G. A. Boeuf , M. W. Hughes Clarke , M. Moody-Stuart , W. F. H. Pilaar , B. M. Reinhardt

Mineral Distribution Patterns, Deep Gulf of Mexico

S. B. Devine , R. E. Ferrell, Jr. , G. K. Billings

Carbonate Facies and Sedimentation of Patch Reefs off Bermuda

Clifton F. Jordan, Jr.

Significance of Paleontologic Results of Deep-Sea Drilling Project Legs 1-9

William W. Hay

Mesozoic and Cenozoic Stratigraphy of Southeastern Guatemala

Burke Burkart , Russell E. Clemons , David C. Crane

Basic Wrench Tectonics

Ronald E. Wilcox , T. P. Harding , D. R. Seely

Newport-Inglewood Trend, California--An Example of Wrenching Style of Deformation

T. P. Harding

Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Los Angeles Basin, California

Robert S. Yeats

Oil Source Beds in Cretaceous Mowry Shale of Northwestern Interior United States

R. P. Nixon

Permeability-Porosity Patterns and Variations in Some Holocene Sand Bodies

Wayne A. Pryor

Dehydration Reactions

W. S. Fyfe

Grabens on Anticlines in Gulf Coastal Plain, and Thinning of Sedimentary Section in Downthrown Fault Block: GEOLOGIC NOTES

W. C. Fallaw

Remarks on the Term "Nubian Sandstone"

Essam E. El-Hinnawi

A Suggestion for Exploration Management

Robert G. Behrman, Jr.

Zonal Rotation and Global Tectonics

W. N. Gilliland

Geologic Maxims

Edward A. Gribi, Jr.

Uniqueness of Man and His Environment: DISCUSSION

Ivan P. Colburn

Uniqueness of Man and His Environment: REPLY TO IVAN P. COLBURN

W. T. Pecora