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AAPG Bulletin
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Foreign Development Papers, 1972
Fred J. Wagner
Petroleum Developments in South America, Central America, and Caribbean in 1972
P. Jacobsen, Jr. , C. H. Neff
Petroleum Exploration and Production in Europe in 1972
Robert E. King
Petroleum Developments in North Africa in 1972
Marc-Andre Nicod
Petroleum Developments in Central and Southern Africa in 1972
Augusto Cortesini , John R. Minner
Petroleum Developments in Middle East Countries in 1972
John F. Mason , Quentin M. Moore , Richard C. Hasson
Petroleum Developments in Far East in 1972
W. E. Kennett
Petroleum Developments in New Zealand During 1972
H. R. Katz
Petroleum Developments in Australia and Oceania in 1972
Edward F. Durkee
Petroleum Developments in Mexico in 1972
Ricardo Acosta-Estevez
Petroleum Developments in Israel in 1972
R. G. S. Hanreck
Biostratigraphic Framework of Grand Banks: ABSTRACT
W. E. Armstrong, W. B. Creath, E. J. Kidson, G. A. Sanderson, C. F. Upshaw, J. H. Craig, S. A. J. Pocock, F. L. Staplin, J. A. Sulek
Grand Banks Regional Geology: ABSTRACT
W. G. Ayrton, D. E. Birnie, J. H. Swift, H. R. Wellman, D. B. Harrison, J. F. Stevulak, D. C. Waylett, R. A. F. Wilkinson
Geology of Gulf of Maine and Adjacent Land Areas: ABSTRACT
R. D. Ballard, R. N. Oldale
Palynologic Analyses of Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sediments of Grand Banks of Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
W. W. Brideaux, G. L. Williams
Baffin Bay: ABSTRACT
C. E. Keen, D. I. Ross, M. Lack, M. J. Keen
Preliminary Report on U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Studies of Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
R. E. Mattick, N. L. Weaver, R. Q. Foote, B. D. Ruppel
Structural Framework of Continental Margin of Eastern North America: ABSTRACT
M. A. Mayhew
Stratigraphy of Continental Shelf, Offshore Nova Scotia: ABSTRACT
N. L. McIver
Geology of Labrador Shelf, Canada: ABSTRACT
N. J. McMillan
Bahamas Salient of North America: Tectonic Framework, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Potential: ABSTRACT
A. A. Meyerhoff, C. W. Hatten
Preliminary Geologic Report on U.S. North Atlantic Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
J. P. Minard, W. J. Perry, E. A. Weed, E. I. Robbins, R. B. Mixon, E. C. Rhodehamel
Structural History and Oil Potential of Offshore Area from Cape Hatteras to Bahamas: ABSTRACT
W. S. Olson
Geology of Georges Bank Basin: ABSTRACT
L. K. Schultz, R. L. Grover
Geology and Petroleum Possibilities in and Around Gulf of St. Lawrence: ABSTRACT
E. P. Williams