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AAPG Bulletin
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Structural Framework of Sunda Shelf
Zvi Ben-Avraham, K. O. Emery
Small-Scale Fracture Density in Asmari Formation of Southwest Iran and its Relation to Bed Thickness and Structural Setting
H. McQuillan
Control Methods in Subsurface Map Construction
J. T. C. Hay
Sonobuoy Refraction Measurements in East China Sea
R. Leyden , M. Ewing , S. Murauchi
Cambrian Lithostratigraphy of Michigan Basin
Paul A. Catacosinos
Structural Setting of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Folded Southern Appalachians
Ralph L. Miller
Pliocene and Pleistocene Depocenters, Outer Continental Shelf, Louisiana and Texas
H. O. Woodbury, I. B. Murray, Jr., P. J. Pickford, W. H. Akers
Correlation of Paleozoic-Mesozoic Sediments in Northern Yemen and Tigre, Northern Ethiopia: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Michael Beyth
Iron Sulfide Concretions from Tulare Formation at O'Neill Forebay Reservoir, Western Merced County, California
Nikola P. Prokopovich
Stratigraphic, Structural, and Geomorphologic Factors Controlling Oil Accumulation in Upper Cambrian Strata of Central Ohio: DISCUSSION
Warren L. Calvert
Stratigraphic, Structural, and Geomorphologic Factors Controlling Oil Accumulation in Upper Cambrian Strata of Central Ohio: REPLY TO WARREN L. CALVERT
Edward D. Dolly , Daniel A. Busch
Deep Test in Ouachita Structural Belt of Central Texas: DISCUSSION
Nelson C. Steenland
Deep Test in Ouachita Structural Belt of Central Texas: REPLY TO N. C. STEENLAND
W. S. Erskine
New Global Tectonics and "The New Geometry": DISCUSSION
Robert S. Dietz
New Global Tectonics and "The New Geometry": REPLY TO ROBERT S. DIETZ
Andrew J. Mantura
Problem of Evaporites and Basinal Limestones: DISCUSSION
Ralph H. King
Problem of Evaporites and Basinal Limestones: REPLY TO RALPH H. KING
Gerald M. Friedman