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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Radar Geology--Petroleum Exploration Technique, Eastern Panama and Northwestern Colombia

Richard S. Wing , Harold C. MacDonald

Biostratigraphy of Neogene Cores from Exuma Sound Diapirs, Bahama Islands

Barbara Lidz

Late Jurassic Contemporaneous Faults in North Louisiana and South Arkansas

William F. Bishop

Pressured Shale and Related Sediment Deformation: Mechanism for Development of Regional Contemporaneous Faults

Clemont H. Bruce

Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Depositional History, Southeastern Arizona

Charles A. Ross

Geologic-Tectonic Structure and Evolution of Outer Dinarides and Adriatic Area

Petar Miljush

Ca/Mg and Sr/Ca Ratios of Some South African Carbonate-Containing Sediments: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

William G. Siesser

Possible Igneous Analog of Salt Dome Tectonics, Clark Mountains, Southeastern California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

B. C. Burchfiel , Gregory A. Davis

Geometry and Correlation along Permian Capitan Escarpment, New Mexico and Texas: DISCUSSION

Denys B. Smith

Vertical Net Sandstone Determination for Isopach Mapping of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: DISCUSSION

J. T. C. Hay

Preservation of Sedimentary Source Rocks in Fluvial Deposits: ABSTRACT

David W. Andersen, M. Dane Picard

Coal Deposits of San Juan Basin: ABSTRACT

E. C. Beaumont

Grand Forks (Cretaceous) Oil Field: Discovery and Development, Southern Alberta: ABSTRACT

A. D. Berry

Deposition and Hydrocarbon Potential of Lower Cretaceous (Dakota) Sandstone Sequence, Chaco Slope, Southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

John V. Brock, Gordon H. Gray

Stable Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Carbonate Rocks in Green River Formation, Eastern Utah and Western Colorado: ABSTRACT

R. D. Cole, M. Dane Picard, M. L. Jensen, C. R. Williamson

Resistivity Mapping of Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps: ABSTRACT

William H. Curry, III

Petrology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Mississippian Ratcliffe Beds in South-Central Saskatchewan, Canada: ABSTRACT

Laszlo M. Fuzesy

Structural Geology of Crazy Mountains Basin: ABSTRACT

Howard L. Garrett

Petroleum Exploration and New Basement Tectonics: ABSTRACT

S. Parker Gay, Jr.

Contrasting the Effects of Coal Mining in Wyoming and Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT

Gary B. Glass

Salt Deposition in North Arm, Great Salt Lake, Utah: ABSTRACT

Jonathan H. Goodwin

Environmental Implications of Developing Coal Resources: ABSTRACT

Thomas A. Gwynn

Pyrolysis and Thin-Section Examination of Petroleum Source Rocks: ABSTRACT

Robert L. Heacock

Elongate Concretions as Paleochannel Indicators, Tongue River Formation, North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Arthur F. Jacob

Silurian Carbonate Recycling: Explanation for Anomalous Sub-Devonian Unconformity in Williston Basin: ABSTRACT

E. R. Jamieson

Low- and High-Sinuosity Stream Deposits of Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene), MacKenzie County, North Dakota: ABSTRACT

R. P. Johnson, V. B. Cherven

Laminated ("Varvitic") Carbonates and Anhydrites from Ordovician and Devonian of Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

A. C. Kendall

Petrology and Paleogeography of Mississippian Madison Formation in Western Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

D. M. Kent

Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT

R. A. Matuszczak

Sedimentary Facies and Correlations of Gallup Sandstone and Associated Formations, Northwestern New Mexico: ABSTRACT

C. M. Molenar

Channel Sandstones and Related Eroded and Compacted Intervals in Ludlow Formation of Southwestern North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Walter L. Moore

Biostratigraphy of Glossopleura Zone of West-Central Utah: ABSTRACT

John D. Oldroyd

Depositional Environments of Entrada Formation (Jurassic), Northeastern Utah: ABSTRACT

E. P. Otto, M. Dane Picard

Geothermal Resources of Colorado: ABSTRACT

R. H. Pearl

Epigenetic Alunite Pisolites Formed by Natural Gases in Western Merced County, California: ABSTRACT

Nikola P. Prokopovich, Luvern L. Resler

Late Mississippian Cyclothems of Heath Formation, Western North Dakota: ABSTRACT

W. F. Roux, Jr., S. F. Schindler

Sedimentary Layer Properties of Graded-Shelf Deposits, Colorado Group (Cretaceous), Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

Frank Simpson

Utah's Oil-Impregnated Sandstone Deposits--A Giant Undeveloped Resource: ABSTRACT

Howard R. Ritzma

Character Displacement in Cambrian Agnostid Trilobites: ABSTRACT

Richard A. Robison

Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Stratigraphy and Palynology, Hoback River Basin, Western Wyoming: ABSTRACT

D. R. Spearing, G. K. Guennel, J. A. Dorr, Jr.

Fossiliferous Concretions--Possible Evidence of Purposeful Food Gathering: ABSTRACT

W. Lee Stokes, John K. Balsley

Geological Malpractice, an Approaching Threat: ABSTRACT

C. B. Thames, Jr.

Effect of Petrographic Composition on Heating Value of Lignite: ABSTRACT

F. T. C. Ting, S. C. Bjorlie, B. Blatherwick

Fluvial Cycles and their Interpretation, Dakota Formation (Cretaceous), Uinta Mountains, Northeast Utah: ABSTRACT

R. L. Vaughn, M. Dane Picard

Depositional Environments of Wheeler Formation, Drum Mountains, Millard County, Utah: ABSTRACT

William W. White, III

Geologic Cycles of Earth, Moon, and Mars: ABSTRACT

Raymond C. Wilson, M. Dane Picard, S. H. Ward