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AAPG Bulletin
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Development Papers 1972, United States and Canada
Fred J. Wagner
North American Drilling Activity in 1972
Charles F. Iglehart
Developments in Alaska in 1972
Charles R. Harrison , Patrick L. Dobey, George Gryc, Margaret Erwin, E. W. Scott
Developments in Western Canada in 1972
B. A. Mills
Developments in Eastern Canada, 1972
J. V. Hill , W. A. Roliff
Developments in West Coast Area in 1972
J. W. Higgins
Oil and Gas Developments in Northern Rockies in 1972
K. L. Mohl , L. B. Henderson , G. C. Crews , H. T. Ashmore (5)
Developments in Michigan in 1972
G. D. Ells , B. L. Champion
Developments in New York in 1972
Arthur M. Van Tyne
Developments in East-Central States in 1972
Anthony T. Statler , Jacob Van Den Berg , G. L. Carpenter , Edmund Nosow (5)
Oil and Gas Developments in North Mid-Continent in 1972
Margaret O. Oros , Shirley E. Paul , Kenneth H. Anderson , Jack T. Fish , John Mossler (5), Mary C. Parker (6), Mary A. Roshardt (7)
Developments in Eastern and Northwestern Colorado in 1972
John D. Pruit
Developments in Four Corners-Intermountain Area in 1972
N. D. Thomaidis
Developments in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico in 1972
R. J. Scott
Developments in Oklahoma and Panhandle of Texas in 1972
E. F. Wroblewski
Developments in North-Central Texas in 1972
Robert L. Makins
Developments in South Texas in 1972
M. H. Oakes , L. H. Lipman , L. J. Sockwell
Developments in Arkansas, North Louisiana, and East Texas in 1972
Ernest H. Morrow , Gene C. Sigler , James B. Ewbank
Developments in Upper Gulf Coast of Texas in 1972
John R. Lewis , Joseph C. Gauss
Developments in Louisiana Gulf Coast in 1972
Patrick J. Hurley , Ted E. Jacques , N. Eugene Swick
Developments in Southeastern States in 1972
Stewart W. Welch , W. Fleming Browning
Oil and Gas Developments in Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia
William S. Lytle , Jonathan Edwards, Jr. , Theodore A. DeBrosse , E. Perry Bendler (5), Allan W. Johnson (6), William J. Buschman (7), Raymond G. Loper (8), Douglas G. Patchen (9)
Developments on Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New Jersey and North Carolina in 1972
Horace G. Richards
Philosophy of Deep-Well Disposal: ABSTRACT
A. C. Barlow
Feasibility Study of Seismic-Reflection Monitoring System for Underground Waste-Material Injection Sites: ABSTRACT
Fred J. Barr, Jr.
Deduction of Flow Patterns in Variable-Density Aquifers from Pressure and Water-Level Observations: ABSTRACT
D. C. Bond
Design and Operation of Land-Treatment Systems for Minimum Contamination of Groundwater: ABSTRACT
Herman Bouwer
Underground Storage and Retrieval of Fresh Water from Brackish-Water Aquifer: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Brown, William D. Silvey
Artificial Recharge--State of the Art: ABSTRACT
R. F. Brown, D. C. Signor
Hydrogeologic Studies at a Subsurface Radioactive-Waste Management Site in West-Central Canada: ABSTRACT
J. A. Cherry, G. E. Grisak, R. E. Jackson
Hydrodynamics of Mount Simon Sandstone, Ohio and Adjoining Areas: ABSTRACT
Michael J. Clifford
Dan Region, Israel, Sewage-Reclamation Recharge Project: ABSTRACT
Nathan Columbus
Hydrogeologic and Economic Factors in Decision Making Under Uncertainty for Normative Subsurface Disposal of Fluid Wastes, Northern Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada: ABSTRACT
Errol G. Dennison, Frank Simpson
Role of Bacteria in Decomposition of Injected Liquid Waste at Wilmington, North Carolina: ABSTRACT
Anthony DiTommaso, Gerald H. Elkan
History of Two-Well Industrial Waste-Disposal System: ABSTRACT
Earl C. Donaldson, Robert T. Johansen
Artificial Recharge of Treated Waste Waters and Rainfall Runoff into Deep Saline Aquifers of Peninsula of Florida: ABSTRACT
J. I. Garcia-Bengochea, C. R. Sproul, R. O. Vernon, H. J. Woodard
Movement and Accumulation of Suspended Sediment During Basin Recharge: ABSTRACT
D. W. Goss, O. R. Jones
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Policy on Subsurface Emplacement of Fluids by Well Injection: ABSTRACT
Clinton W. Hall
Subsurface Disposal of Liquid Industrial Wastes in Alabama: ABSTRACT
Kendall Hanby, Robert E. Kidd, P. E. LaMoreaux
Electronic Data Processing for Decision Making in Subsurface Injection of Liquid Wastes: ABSTRACT
Robert V. Hidalgo, Larry D. Woodfork
Effects of Waste Percolation of Groundwater in Alluvium Near Barstow, California: ABSTRACT
Jerry L. Hughes, S. G. Robson
Injection of Acidic Industrial Waste into Saline Carbonate Aquifer--Geochemical Aspects: ABSTRACT
Matthew I. Kaufman, Donald A. Goolsby, Glen L. Faulkner
Role of Borehole Geophysics in Underground Waste Storage and Artificial Recharge: ABSTRACT
W. S. Keys, R. F. Brown
Retention of Dissolved Constituents of Waste by Geologic Membranes: ABSTRACT
Yousif K. Kharaka
Saline Aquifers--Future Storage Reservoirs for Fresh Water?: ABSTRACT
Oscar K. Kimbler, Raphael G. Kazmann, Walter R. Whitehead
Asse Salt Mine, Federal Republic of Germany--Operating Facility for Underground Disposal of Radioactive Wastes: ABSTRACT
Klaus Kuhn
Subsurface Disposal of Waste in Kansas: ABSTRACT
Bruce F. Latta
Case History of Subsurface Waste Injection of an Industrial Organic Waste: ABSTRACT
J. A. Leenheer, R. L. Malcolm
Hazards of Waste Disposal in Groundwater Basins: ABSTRACT
Ben E. Lofgren
Site Investigations for Bedded-Salt Pilot Plant in Permian Basin: ABSTRACT
T. F. Lomenick, A. L. Boch
Geohydrology of Buried Triassic Basin at Savannah River Plant: ABSTRACT
I. Wendall Marine
Design, Drilling, Completion, Operation, and Cost of Underground Waste-Disposal Wells in Gulf Coast Region of Texas and Louisiana: ABSTRACT
R. J. Meers
Potential Impact of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive-Waste Disposal Practices on Hydrogeologic Environment: ABSTRACT
G. Lewis Meyer
Decision Mapping--Tool for Underground Waste Management: ABSTRACT
C. Michael Mohr, Philip J. O'Brien
Feasibility Study of Liquid-Waste Injection into Aquifers Containing Salt Water, Wilmington, North Carolina: ABSTRACT
Harry M. Peek, Ralph C. Heath
Hydrogeology of Liquid-Waste Storage in Florida: ABSTRACT
Harbans S. Puri, Glen L. Faulkner, George O. Winston
Short-Term Effect of Injection of Tertiary-Treated Sewage on Concentration of Iron in Water in Magothy Aquifer, Bay Park, New York: ABSTRACT
Stephen E. Ragone, Henry F. H. Ku, John Vecchioli
Radioactive- and Chemical-Waste Transport in Groundwater at National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho: 20-Year Case History and Digital Model: ABSTRACT
J. B. Robertson, J. T. Barraclough
Artificial Recharge in United Kingdom, Especially in London Basin: ABSTRACT
R. L. H. Satchell, W. B. Wilkinson
Deep-Well Injection of Desalting-Plant Waste Brine: ABSTRACT
Richard J. Schicht
Swiss Modification of Artificially Recharged Water: ABSTRACT
Hansjorg Schmassman
Artificial Recharge in Coastal Plain Aquifer in Israel--Further Findings: ABSTRACT
A. Sellinger, S. H. Aberbach
Underground Waste Disposal at New Johnsonville, Tennessee: ABSTRACT
C. R. Sherman
Laboratory Studies Related to Artificial Recharge: ABSTRACT
Donald C. Signor
Hydraulic Fracturing as Tool for Disposal of Wastes in Shale: ABSTRACT
Ren Jen Sun
Legal and Institutional Considerations of Deep-Well Waste Disposal: ABSTRACT
William R. Walker, William E. Cox
Industrial Wastewater-Injection Wells in United States--Status of Use and Regulation, 1973: ABSTRACT
Don L. Warner, Donald H. Orcutt
Hydrologic Evaluation of Industrial-Waste Injection at Mulberry, Florida: ABSTRACT
W. E. Wilson, J. S. Rosenshein, J. D. Hunn
Underground Waste Disposal and Artificial Recharge in Japan: ABSTRACT
Soki Yamamoto