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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Colloidal Soap as Proposed Primary Migration Medium for Hydrocarbons

Robert J. Cordell

Vertical Uplift Explanation for Plate Tectonics

H. J. McCunn

Morphology, Limits, Origin, and Age of Salt Layer along South Atlantic African Margin

Guy Pautot , Vincent Renard , Jacques Daniel , Jacques Dupont

Diapiric Structures off Niger Delta

Jean R. Mascle , Brian D. Bornhold , Vincent Renard

Congo Submarine Canyon and Fan Valley

F. P. Shepard , K. O. Emery

Petrophysical Approach to Origin of Porosity of Carbonate Rocks in Middle Carboniferous Windsor Group, Nova Scotia, Canada

Koichi Aoyagi

Lodgepole Limestone Facies in Southwestern Montana

G. T. Moore

Importance of Hydrodynamic Factor in Formation of Lower Cretaceous Combination Traps, Big Muddy-South Glenrock Area, Wyoming

Donald S. Stone , Roger L. Hoeger

Upper Devonian Sandstone in Arrow Canyon Quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada

John F. Ryan , Ralph L. Langenheim, Jr.

Carboniferous Faunal Associations and Stratigraphy, Shasta County, Northern California

Rodney Watkins

Proposal for Leasing Federal Offshore: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Michel T. Halbouty

Evolution of Western Boundary Fault, Franklin Mountains, Texas: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Earl M. P. Lovejoy

Subsurface Petrographic Study of Joints in Variegated Siltstone-Sandstone and Khairabad Limestone, Pakistan: GEOLOGIC NOTES

S. M. Shuaib

New Mississippian Formation in Northeastern Nevada and Its Possible Significance: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Brian Oversby

Vertical Net Sandstone Determination for Isopach Mapping of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: DISCUSSION

V. Hepp

Dielectric Anisotropy and Grain Orientation: DISCUSSION

John W. Shelton

Dielectric Anisotropy and Grain Orientation: REPLY TO JOHN W. SHELTON

A. M. Winkelmolen


N. C. Steenland

Geophysics Is Here to Stay: REPLY TO N. C. STEENLAND

W. P. Jenny

Porosity and Permeability in Silurian Carbonate Rocks of Hunton Group, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

T. W. Amsden

Stratigraphic Analysis of Cherokee Group, Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian), North-Central Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

J. G. Cole, O. R. Berg

Reconstructing a Pennsylvanian Delta System: ABSTRACT

S. B. Ekebafe, G. S. Visher

Prospecting for Reefs by Gravity: ABSTRACT

Craig E. Ferris

Algal Bank Complexes of Mid-Continent: ABSTRACT

J. G. Frost

Interpretive Techniques Using Exploration Data Base/Application Processing Systems: ABSTRACT

R. N. Hodgson

Structural Relations of Arbuckle and Ouachita Facies: ABSTRACT

J. H. Kempf

Comparative Lithostratigraphy of World's Major Carbonate Reservoirs: ABSTRACT

K. W. Klement

Application of Airborne Surveys to Subsurface Geology: ABSTRACT

M. D. Quigley, R. P. Jacobson

Liquid Industrial Waste Storage by Underground Injection: ABSTRACT

L. R. Reeder

Depositional and Directional Features of Braided-Meandering Stream: ABSTRACT

J. W. Shelton, R. L. Noble, H. R. Burman, Jr.

Spectrum Extrapolation to Increase Resolution: ABSTRACT

D. G. Stone

Hunton Fields, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas: ABSTRACT

J. A. Taylor

Significant Properties of Sandstones--Aids to Exploration and Exploitation: ABSTRACT

W. R. Walton

Carbonate Ramp--Alternative to Shelf Model: ABSTRACT

W. M. Ahr

Age of Some Neogene Formations, Atlantic Coastal Plains, United States and Mexico: ABSTRACT

W. H. Akers, P. E. Koeppel

Post-Tampa, Pre-Chipola Sediments Exposed in Liberty, Gadsden, Leon, and Wakulla Counties, Florida: ABSTRACT

J. E. Banks, M. E. Hunter

Reinstatement of Nummulites heilprini Hantken, 1886: ABSTRACT

R. S. Barnett

Plate Tectonics and Origin of Gulf Coast Basin: ABSTRACT

R. Beall

Deep-Water Deposition of Upper Wilcox Sandstones, Katy Field, Texas: ABSTRACT

R. R. Berg, R. L. Findley

Depositional Systems of Alabama-Mississippi Coastal Zone: ABSTRACT

P. A. Boone

Leveed Channel Deposits, Turbidites, and Contourites in Deeper Part of Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

A. H. Bouma

Role of Geologist in Environmental Impact Study: ABSTRACT

A. H. Bouma, B. W. Holliday, C. W. Poag, G. L. Hall, B. S. Appelbaum

What Has Apollo Program Found Out About the Moon?: ABSTRACT

P. R. Brett

Coccoliths from Desoto Canyon Region, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

I. B. Brohm

Petrographic Analysis of Subsurface Part of Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous), South Texas: ABSTRACT

J. F. Burkholder

Oligocene Studies, Northeast Mexico: ABSTRACT

D. A. Busch

Petrography of Carbonate Sands on Carolina Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT

W. J. Cleary, P. A. Thayer

Variability of Modern River Deltas: ABSTRACT

J. M. Coleman, L. D. Wright

Hydraulic Fracturing--New Developments: ABSTRACT

G. R. Coulter

Recognition of Deltaic Environments from Small Samples: ABSTRACT

D. K. Davis, F. Ethridge

Paleontologic Evidence for Mid-Miocene Refrigeration from Subsurface Marine Shale, Louisiana Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT

D. J. Echols, D. M. Curtis

What Has Deep-Sea Drilling Project Found Out about Deep Oceans?: ABSTRACT

N. T. Edgar

Mapping Hydrocarbon Concentration and Permeability Improves Exploitation of Oil and Gas: ABSTRACT

L. C. Fons

Environmental Management in Mississippi Delta System: ABSTRACT

S. M. Gagliano

Calcareous Nannofossil Studies--State of Art: ABSTRACT

S. Gartner

Results of Study of Natural Hydrocarbon Seepage in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

R. A. Geyer

Potential for Solar Energy Applications: ABSTRACT

Peter E. Glaser

Scanning Electron Microscope Application to Formation Evaluation: ABSTRACT

D. J. Hartman

Probabilistic Analysis of Distribution of Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Calcareous Nannoplankton: ABSTRACT

W. W. Hay, J. C. Steinmetz

Stone City and Cook Mountain (Middle Eocene) Scaphopods from Southeast Texas: ABSTRACT

K. A. Hodgkinson

Stratigraphic Analysis of Diplogs: ABSTRACT

O. R. Holt

Occurrence and Alteration of Clay Minerals in Caribbean Sea: ABSTRACT

C. M. Johnson, T. R. McKee, A. H. Bouma

Interactive Graphics in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT

P. M. Junemann, J. R. Reese

Where We Are in Nuclear Power Development: ABSTRACT

R. J. Koerner

Mississippi and Mekong Deltas--A Comparison: ABSTRACT

C. R. Kolb, W. K. Dornbusch, Jr.

Significant Studies of Modern and Ancient Deltaic Sediments: ABSTRACT

R. J. Le Blanc

Environmental Modeling--Useful Exploration Tool in Carbonate Rocks: ABSTRACT

M. Malek-Aslani

Deltaic and Associated Facies of Difunta Group (Late Cretaceous to Paleocene), Parras and La Popa Basins, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico: ABSTRACT

E. F. McBride, J. A. Wolleben, A. E. Weidie

Recent Sediment Distribution in Colorado Delta Area, Northern Gulf of California: ABSTRACT

L. D. Meckel

Growth Rates of Beach Ridges on Sanibel Island, Florida: ABSTRACT

T. M. Missimer

Petroleum-Derived Hydrocarbons in Gulf of Mexico Waters: ABSTRACT

P. H. Monaghan, C. B. Koons

Submarine Current Measurements, Northwest Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

G. T. Moore

Deep-Water Turbidite Channels and their Potential Value in Petroleum Localization: ABSTRACT

G. T. Moore, T. J. Fullam

Wave-Power Gradient--Approach to Holocene Depositional History: ABSTRACT

R. S. Murali

Evolution of Belle Isle Salt Dome, Louisiana: ABSTRACT

C. A. O'Niell, III

Jay Field--Jurassic Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT

R. D. Ottman, P. L. Keyes, M. A. Ziegler

Late Quaternary Sea Levels in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

C. W. Poag

Paleotemperatures in Gulf Coast Using ESR-Kerogen Method: ABSTRACT

W. C. Pusey, III

Geology of West Flower Gardens Bank: ABSTRACT

R. Rezak, W. R. Bryant

Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy of Upper Bluffport Marl-Lower Prairie Bluff Chalk Interval (Upper Cretaceous) in Mississippi: ABSTRACT

J. B. Risatti

Geologic Controls on Hydrocarbon Source Potential of Young Sediments: ABSTRACT

M. A. Rogers, C. B. Koons, T. Y. Ho, D. Perry

Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene Nannofossil Stratigraphy in North-Central Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT

J. B. Sachs, H. C. Skinner

Deposition of Coccoliths in Compensation Zone of Atlantic Ocean: ABSTRACT

N. Schneidermann

Modern Wellsite Evaluation of Eocene Wilcox in Texas: ABSTRACT

A. L. Schultz

Gulf Coast Early Cretaceous Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy--Review: ABSTRACT

B. M. Shaffer

Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana--Regional Subsidence and Contemporary Delta Formation: ABSTRACT

R. J. Shlemon

Calcareous Nannofossil Applications in Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Region: ABSTRACT

L. A. Smith

Errors in Pre-Holocene Carbon-14 Scale: ABSTRACT

F. W. Stapor, W. F. Tanner

West Louisiana Chenier Plain History: ABSTRACT

W. F. Tanner

Anomalous Beach Ridges of Sangamon (?) Age: ABSTRACT

W. F. Von Drehle

Late Devonian-Early Mississippian Subaqueous Deltaic Facies in Part of Southeastern Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT

R. A. Walls

"High-Energy" Carbonates on Inner Shelf of Northeastern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: ABSTRACT

W. C. Ward, M. J. Brady

Estimated Costs of Producing Petroleum in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

L. K. Weaver, H. F. Pierce, C. J. Jirik

Origin of Cristobalite-Rich Tertiary Sediments in Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

F. M. Weaver, S. W. Wise

Estimate of Annual Input of Petroleum to Marine Environment from Natural Marine Seepage: ABSTRACT

R. D. Wilson, P. H. Monaghan, A. Osanik, L. C. Price, M. A. Rogers

Calcareous Nannofossil Datum Levels Associated with Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary: ABSTRACT

S. W. Wise, Jr.

Pre-Jurassic Geologic Framework, Northern Gulf Basin: ABSTRACT

R. D. Woods, J. W. Addington

Probability-Based Analysis of Area-Time Distribution of Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossils: ABSTRACT

T. R. Worsley, G. Blechschmidt, B. Snow

Evolution of Northern Gulf Coast Deducted from Geophysical Data: ABSTRACT

J. L. Worzel, J. S. Watkins

Shoreline and Beach Changes on Honeymoon Island, Pinellas County, Florida, 1967-1971: ABSTRACT

A. P. Wright, E. O'Donnell

Smackover Trend from Mexico to Florida: ABSTRACT

John J. Amoruso

Pressured Shale and Related Sediment Deformation--Mechanism for Development of Regional Contemporaneous Faults: ABSTRACT

C. H. Bruce

Depositional Anticlines of Deep Environments--Past Success and Future Exploration: ABSTRACT

Mark E. Hennes

World's Energy Economy: ABSTRACT

M. King Hubbert

Mars Geologic History and Processes: ABSTRACT

Harold Masursky

Heavy Metal Accumulation in River Sediments--Response to Environmental Pollution: ABSTRACT

German Muller

Recent Inorganic Nonmarine Carbonate Environments: ABSTRACT

German Muller

Stages of Transformation of Carbonate Sands into Limestone and Dolostone: Fuerteventura, Canary Islands: ABSTRACT

German Muller

Application of Plate Tectonics to Petroleum Exploration at Continental Margins: ABSTRACT

Thomas L. Thompson

Exploration, Geology, and Potential of the North Sea: ABSTRACT

Colin D. Wilkinson