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AAPG Bulletin
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Inorganic Origin of Petroleum
V. B. Porfir'ev
Cyclic Deposition of Silurian Carbonates and Evaporites in Michigan Basin
K. J. Mesolella , J. D. Robinson , L. M. McCormick , A. R. Ormiston
Origin of Tepees in Upper Permian Shelf Carbonate Rocks of Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico
Denys B. Smith
Principal Stress Ratios in Cretaceous Limestones from Texas Gulf Coast
M. Friedman , H. C. Heard
Tectonic Evolution of Alaska
H. Glenn Richards
Geophysical Study of Antilles Outer Ridge, Puerto Rico Trench, and Northeast Margin of Caribbean Sea
E. T. Bunce , J. D. Phillips , R. L. Chase
Thermal Alteration of Blue-Green Algae and Blue-Green Algal Chlorophyll
John H. Oehler , Z. Aizenshtat , J. William Schopf
Seeking Optimum-Profit Production Decisions: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Victor V. Cavaroc , Richard E. Sylla
Great Basin Silurian to Lower Lower Devonian--a Biostratigraphic Case History: GEOLOGIC NOTES
J. G. Johnson
Antipathetic Relation between Cambrian Trilobites and Stromatolites: GEOLOGIC NOTES
John C. Kepper
Patterson Sandstone, Ordovician or Silurian?: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Frederic F. Mellen
Depth of Oil Origin and Primary Migration: a Review and Critique: DISCUSSION
G. T. Philippi
Depth of Oil Origin and Primary Migration: a Review and Critique: REPLY TO G. T. PHILIPPI
Robert J. Cordell