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AAPG Bulletin
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Foreign Development Papers, 1973
Fred J. Wagner
Petroleum Developments in South America, Central America, and Caribbean Area in 1973
P. Jacobsen, Jr. , C. H. Neff
Petroleum Exploration and Production in Europe in 1973
Robert E. King
Petroleum Developments in North Africa in 1973
Marc-Andre Nicod
Petroleum Developments in Central and Southern Africa in 1973
Philippe Biro
Petroleum Developments in Middle East Countries in 1973
John F. Mason , Richard C. Hasson , Quentin M. Moore
Petroleum Developments in Israel, 1973
R. G. S. Hanreck
Petroleum Developments in Far East in 1973
J. D. Bowman
China's Petroleum Industry--an Enigma
Horton R. Connell
Petroleum Developments in New Zealand during 1973
H. R. Katz
Petroleum Developments in Australia and Oceania in 1973
E. F. Durkee
Deposition and Diagenesis of James Limestone (Early Cretaceous) in East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
C. W. Achauer
Recent Sediments of Hypersaline Estuarine Bay: ABSTRACT
R. T. Alaniz, R. H. Goodwin
Quartz Microtextures as Indicators of Subaqueous Density Flow: ABSTRACT
B. S. Appelbaum, A. H. Bouma
Geology of Suwannee Basin Interpreted from Geophysical Profiles: ABSTRACT
D. J. Arden, Jr.
Stratigraphic Relations and Petroleum Potential of Smackover-Buckner Sequence (Jurassic), Clarke County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
C. L. Badon
Early Cretaceous Stuart City Shelf Margin of South Texas: Its Depositional and Diagenetic Environments and Their Relation to Porosity: ABSTRACT
D. G. Bebout
Analysis of Water-Level-Rise Effects on Littoral Transport: ABSTRACT
C. R. Bergquist, W. F. Tanner
Environmental Geologic Atlas, Texas Coastal Zone: Role of Geology in Land-Use Planning: ABSTRACT
L. F. Brown Jr., W. L. Fisher
Permeability of Unconsolidated and Consolidated marine Sediments, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
W. R. Bryant, William E. Hottman, Peter K. Trabant
Recognition of New Potential of Swan Lake Field, Jackson County, Texas: ABSTRACT
P. H. Carter
Deformational Processes in Delta-Front Deposits: ABSTRACT
J. M. Coleman, L. D. Wright
Sand Leakage around Rocky Headland at Niteroi, Brazil: ABSTRACT
M. D. Emmerling, W. F. Tanner
Multivariate Statistical Approach to Sedimentary Environmental Analysis: ABSTRACT
P. H. Feldhausen
Towed Horizontal Resistance and Spontaneous Potential Survey off Sabine Pass, Texas: ABSTRACT
T. W. Ferebee, Jr., A. H. Bouma, G. L. Huebner, Jr.
Clay Mineralogy of Lewisville Member of Cretaceous Woodbine Formation in Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, Area: ABSTRACT
G. P. Hawkins, C. F. Dodge, J. C. Butler
East Cameron Block 270, Pleistocene Field: ABSTRACT
D. S. Holland, C. E. Sutley, R. E. Berlitz, J. A. Gilreath
Modern and Ancient Reef Complexes and Associated Limestone Diagenesis of San Andres Island, Colombia: ABSTRACT
M. J. Kocurko
Shear Zones in Salt-Dome Stocks Delineate Spines of Movement: ABSTRACT
D. L. Kupfer
Model Study of Morphologies Caused by Exploding Superheated Vapor and Possible Lunar Analogues: ABSTRACT
H. J. McCunn
Dual Spacing Thermal Neutron Decay Time Log: Cased-Hole Exploration Tool: ABSTRACT
B. F. McGhee, J. S. Blackburn, B. C. Leach
Oil Industry Experience in Louisiana Offshore, 1946-1972: ABSTRACT
C. E. McMichael
Wave Characteristics with Restricted Fetch: Case Study of Lake Okeechobee: ABSTRACT
R. S. Murrall
Lithofacies Mapping, a Descriptive Tool for Ancient Delta Systems of Louisiana Outer Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
E. M. Norwood, Jr., D. S. Holland
Paleodepositional Environments in Upper Jurassic Zuloaga Formation (Smackover), Northeastern Mexico: ABSTRACT
S. M. Oivanki
Anomalous Brine Maps Yield Rapid Prospect Leads: ABSTRACT
H. L. Overton
Bryan Field--a Sedimentary Anticline: ABSTRACT
M. L. Oxley, Daniel E. Herlihy
Preliminary Survey of Freshwater Early Tertiary Invertebrates from Trans-Pecos Texas: ABSTRACT
W. R. Pampe
Geopressures and Secondary Porosity in Deep Jurassic of Mississippi: ABSTRACT
C. A. Parker
Upper Depth Limits and Morphologic Variations of Foraminifera from Continental Slope and Abyss of Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
C. E. Pflum
Framework for Stratigraphic Interpretation of Dip Logs: ABSTRACT
J. M. Robertson
Collapse-Fault Systems of Louisiana Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
J. A. Seglund
Analysis of Energy Crunch: ABSTRACT
P. H. Stark
Mexican "Island" Arc: ABSTRACT
W. F. Tanner
Relict Lacustrine Sediments on Inner Continental Shelf, Southeast Texas: ABSTRACT
P. A. Thayer, A. La Rocque, J. W. Tunnell, Jr.
Origin of Bahama Platform: ABSTRACT
J. L. Walper
Arctic Gas--New Natural Gas for United States: ABSTRACT
R. W. Ward
Effect of Artificial Sea Grass on Wave Energy and Nearshore Sand Transport: ABSTRACT
C. J. Wayne
Depositional Environments Interpreted from Stratigraphic, Seismic, and Paleoenvironmental Analyses, Upper Wilcox, Katy Field, Texas: ABSTRACT
C. E. Williams, L. R. Travis, E. M. Hoover
Calcareous Nannoplankton of Salt Mountain Limestone (Jackson, Alabama): ABSTRACT
F. H. Wind
Evolution of Interior Mesozoic Basin and Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
M. L. Wood, J. L. Walper
New Views on Alpine Tethys Evolution Based on Joides Results: ABSTRACT
Daniel Bernoulli
Environmental Impact of Offshore Petroleum Operations: ABSTRACT
Nugent Brasher, Jr.
Plate Tectonic Models for Thrust Faulting in Southwestern United States: ABSTRACT
Gregory A. Davis
Influence of Eustatic Sea-Level Changes in Oil and Gas Accumulations in Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT
John M. Dennison
Geothermal Energy--Viable Energy Resource: ABSTRACT
Tsvi Meidav
Emerging Geothermal Resources Exploration Technology: ABSTRACT
Tsvi Meidav
Comparative Geology of Inner Solar System: ABSTRACT
Daniel J. Milton
Solubility of Petroleum in Water and Its Significance to Petroleum Migration: ABSTRACT
Leigh C. Price
Geology of Northern Greenland: ABSTRACT
J. H. Stuart Smith
Geology and Hydrocarbon Discoveries of Canadian Arctic Islands: ABSTRACT
J. H. Stuart Smith