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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleoenvironment of Esquias Formation of Honduras
Gregory S. Horne , M. Genevieve Atwood , Allen P. King
Reconnaissance Geologic Map of Mosquitia Region, Honduras and Nicaragua Caribbean Coast
R. A. Mills , K. E. Hugh
Triassic Paleomagnetism of Northern South America
William D. MacDonald , Neil D. Opdyke
Petroleum Geology of Gabon Basin
A. H. Brink
Fracture Patterns on Kuh-e Asmari Anticline, Southwest Iran
Henry McQuillan
Correlation and Paleogeography of Upper Part of Helderberg Group (Lower Devonian) of Central Appalachians
James W. Head
Effect of Cambridge-Chadron Structural Trend on Paleozoic and Mesozoic Thickness, Western Nebraska
Vinton A. Moore , Robert B. Nelson
Mississippian of Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas--A Wedge-on-Wedge Relation
H. Richard Lane
Compaction, Ion Filtration, and Osmosis in Shale and Their Significance in Primary Migration
Kinji Magara
Diffusion of Fluids Through Porous Media with Implications in Petroleum Geology
G. N. Pandey , M. Rasin Tek , Donald L. Katz
Sphaeroidinella dehiscens Datum and Miocene-Pliocene Boundary: GEOLOGIC NOTES
M. S. Srinivasan , S. S. Srivastava
Supplemental Instructions for Developing Computer Codes for Stratigraphic Terms: GEOLOGIC NOTES
T. C. Buschbach
U.S. Geological Survey Computerizes Stratigraphic Names According to AAPG Code: GEOLOGIC NOTES
George V. Cohee
Stratigraphic Nomenclature of Recognized Paleozoic and Mesozoic Rocks of Western Guatemala: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Russell E. Clemons , Thomas H. Anderson , Otto H. Bohnenberger , Burke Burkart (5)
Approximation of Geothermal Gradients in Northern West Virginia Using Bottom-Hole Temperatures from Electric Logs: GEOLOGIC NOTES
T. W. Grisafi , H. H. Rieke, III , D. R. Skidmore