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AAPG Bulletin
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North American Geosynclines--Test of Continental-Drift Theory
W. D. Lowry
Carboniferous Carbonate Depositional Models, Preliminary Lithofacies and Paleotectonic Maps, Arctic Alaska
Augustus K. Armstrong
Carboniferous Biostratigraphy, Prudhoe Bay State 1 to Northeastern Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska
Augustus K. Armstrong , Bernard L. Mamet
Relation of Methane Generation to Undercompacted Shales, Shale Diapirs, and Mud Volcanoes
Hollis D. Hedberg
Operation Basement: Buried Precambrian Rocks of Missouri--their Petrography and Structure
Eva B. Kisvarsanyi
Stratigraphy of Everton Formation (Early Medial Ordovician), Northern Arkansas
Raymond W. Suhm
Shallow Structure and Stratigraphy of Liberian Continental Margin
John Schlee , John C. Behrendt , James M. Robb
Melange (Olistostrome) near Lago Titicaca, Peru
Kees A. De Jong
Depositional Features of Braided-Meandering Stream: GEOLOGIC NOTES
John W. Shelton , Raymond L. Noble
Underground Waste Management--A People Problem: GEOLOGIC NOTES
John C. Frye
Where is the Youth in AAPG?: DISCUSSION
Charles F. Dodge