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AAPG Bulletin
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Silurian Reefs of Northern Indiana: Reef and Interreef Macrofaunas
Robert H. Shaver
Sub-Trenton Structure of Ohio, with Views on Isopach Maps and Stratigraphic Sections as Basis for Structural Myths in Ohio, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Michigan
Warren L. Calvert
Structure of Ain Zalah Field, Northern Iraq
E. Hart , J. T. C. Hay
Mesozoic and Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Events of Puno-Santa Lucia Area, Department of Puno, Peru
Jorge A. Portugal
Foraminifers and Continental Drift
George A. Seiglie
Phreatic and Vadose Diagenetic Modification of Pleistocene Limestone: Petrographic Observations from Subsurface of Barbados, West Indies
Randolph P. Steinen
Distribution of Nubian Sandstone Formation in Sudan and Vicinity: GEOLOGIC NOTES
J. R. Vail
Terminology of Geodynamics: GEOLOGIC NOTES
John G. Dennis , Tanya M. Atwater
Compaction, Ion Filtration, and Osmosis in Shale and Their Significance in Primary Migration: ERRATUM
Kinji Magara
East Coast--Front or Frontier
James E. Wilson
Canadian Offshore Mineral Resource Management
D. G. Crosby
Place of Atlantic Shelf in World Energy Outlook
Frank A. Mau
"Basement" to East Coast Continental Margin of North America
M. A. Mayhew
Baffin Bay: Small Ocean Basin Formed by Sea-Floor Spreading
C. E. Keen , M. J. Keen , D. I. Ross , M. Lack
Regional Geology of Grand Banks
Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Imperial Oil Limited, Offshore Exploration Staffs
Biostratigraphic Framework of Grand Banks
C. F. Upshaw , W. E. Armstrong , W. B. Creath , E. J. Kidson , G. A. Sanderson
Marine Acoustical Seep Detection
William E. Sweet, Jr.
Geology and Petroleum Possibilities in and Around Gulf of St. Lawrence
E. P. Williams
Geology of Gulf of Maine
R. D. Ballard , Elazar Uchupi
Geology of Georges Bank Basin
L. K. Schultz , R. L. Grover
Preliminary Report on Geology Along Atlantic Continental Margin of Northeastern United States
J. P. Minard , W. J. Perry , E. G. A. Weed , E. C. Rhodehamel , E. I. Robbins , R. B. Mixon
Structural Framework of United States Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf North of Cape Hatteras
R. E. Mattick , R. Q. Foote , N. L. Weaver , M. S. Grim
Structural History and Oil Potential of Offshore Area from Cape Hatteras to Bahamas
Walter S. Olson
Bahamas Salient of North America: Tectonic Framework, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Potential
A. A. Meyerhoff , C. W. Hatten