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AAPG Bulletin
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Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Sedimentation in Northeast Nevada
Jonathan Marcantel
Depositional Environment of Upper Cretaceous Sussex Sandstone, House Creek Field, Wyoming
Robert R. Berg
Geostatistical Model for Predicting Oil: Tatum Basin, New Mexico
Claude G. Abry
Conceptual Model of Tidally Influenced Deposition on Margins of Epeiric Seas: Lower Ordovician (Canadian) of Eastern New York and Southwestern Vermont
S. J. Mazzullo , Gerald M. Friedman
Geology of Mediterranean Shelf of Israel
A. Ginzburg , S. S. Cohen , H. Hay-Roe , A. Rosenzweig
Structural Framework of Continental Shelf and Slope off Southwestern Sierra Leone, West Africa
Robert L. McMaster , Eric Christofferson , Asaf Ashraf
Late Quaternary Depositional Processes on Continental Rise of Western Equatorial Atlantic: Comparison with Western North Atlantic and Implications for Reservoir-Rock Distribution
John E. Damuth , Naresh Kumar