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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Continental Margin Off Western Africa: Angola to Sierra Leone
K. O. Emery , Elazar Uchupi , Joseph Phillips , Carl Bowin , Jean Mascle
Stratigraphy and Petrology of Middle Silurian McKenzie Formation in West Virginia
Douglas G. Patchen , Richard A. Smosna
Short-Headed Stream Delta: Model for Pennsylvania Haymond Formation, West Texas
Romeo M. Flores
Nigerian Late Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Paleogeography
D. R. Adeleye
Paleoenvironments of Quebradillas Limestone (Tertiary), Northern Puerto Rico, and Their Geologic Significance: GEOLOGIC NOTE
George A. Seiglie , Mounir T. Moussa
Geophysical Study of Antilles Outer Ridge, Puerto Rico Trench, and Northeast Margin of Caribbean Sea: DISCUSSION
Watson H. Monroe
Geophysical Study of Antilles Outer Ridge, Puerto Rico Trench, and Northeast Margin of Caribbean Sea: REPLY
R. L. Chase , E. T. Bunce , J. D. Phillips
Ingleside Strandplain Sand of Central Texas Coast: DISCUSSION
Ervin G. Otvos, Jr.
Ingleside Standplain Sand of Central Texas Coast: REPLY
B. H. Wilkinson , J. H. McGowen , C. R. Lewis