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AAPG Bulletin
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Capillary Pressures in Stratigraphic Traps
Robert R. Berg
Abnormal Formation Pressure
John S. Bradley
Evolution of Folds around Broken Bow Uplift, Ouachita Mountains, Southeastern Oklahoma
Roger Feenstra , John Wickham
Organic Metamorphism and the Generation of Petroleum
A. Hood , C. C. M. Gutjahr , R. L. Heacock
Holocene Shoestring Sand on Inner Continental Shelf off Long Island, New York
John E. Sanders , Naresh Kumar
Evaluation of Brachiopod Faunas from Solis Limestone (Ordovician, Silurian, and Lower Devonian), Chihuahua, Mexico: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Peter M. Sheehan
Evidence against Devonian Unconformity and Middle Paleozoic Age of Langkawi Folding Phase in Northwest Malaya: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Thomas E. Yancey
Pump-Like Tidal Driving of Tectonic Plates: GEOLOGIC NOTES
George W. Moore
Sub-Trenton Structure of Ohio, with Views on Isopach Maps and Stratigraphic Sections as Basis for Structural Myths in Ohio, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Michigan: DISCUSSION
George G. Shearrow
Sub-Trenton Structure of Ohio, with Views on Isopach Maps and Stratigraphic Sections as Basis for Structural Myths in Ohio, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Michigan: REPLY
Warren L. Calvert