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AAPG Bulletin
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A Jurassic Time Scale
J. E. Van Hinte
A Cretaceous Time Scale
J. E. Van Hinte
Basinal Sandstone Facies, Delaware Basin, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
Myron W. Payne
Inferring Stratigraphy from Seismic Data
R. E. Sheriff
Water Expulsion from Clastic Sediments during Compaction--Directions and Volumes
Kinji Magara
Thickness of Removed Sedimentary Rocks, Paleopore Pressure, and Paleotemperature, Southwestern Part of Western Canada Basin
Kinji Magara
Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of Northwestern Honduras: Basement Terrane in Sierra de Omoa
Gregory S. Horne , George S. Clark , Paul Pushkar
Palaeoaplysina (Hydrozoan?) Carbonate Buildups from Upper Paleozoic of Idaho
Ray H. Breuninger
Thermal-Analysis Technique for Source-Rock Evaluation: Quantitative Estimate of Organic Richness and Effects of Lithologic Variation: GEOLOGIC NOTES
George E. Claypool , P. Robert Reed
Antipathetic Relations among Algal Structures, Burrowers, and Grazers in Dogger (Jurassic) Carbonate Rocks, Southeast of Paris, France: GEOLOGIC NOTES
R. Cussey , Gerald M. Friedman
Unique Mud Banks, Kerala, Southwest India: GEOLOGIC NOTES
R. R. Nair
Urania, 1925, to Laredo, 1975: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Edgar W. Owen
Mediterranean Permian Tethys: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Maurice Kamen-Kaye