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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Studies of Ventura Field, California, I: Facies Geometry and Genesis of Lower Pliocene Turbidites
Kenneth J. Hsu
Studies of Ventura Field, California, II: Lithology, Compaction, and Permeability of Sands
Kenneth J. Hsu
Neogene Turbidite Sedimentation in Komandorskiy Basin, Western Bering Sea
Richard J. Stewart
Origin and Distribution of Tertiary Conglomerates, Veracruz Basin, Mexico
Pablo Cruz Helu , Rodolfo Verdugo V. , Rodolfo Barcenas P.
Experimental Study of Fracture Permeability in Porous Rock
Ronald A. Nelson , John Handin
Eocene Paleocurrents and Sedimentation, San Nicolas Island, California
Mark R. Cole
Note 45--Application for Amendment Concerning Terminology for Igneous and High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
Norman F. Sohl
Note 46--Application for Amendment of Articles 8 and 10 of Code, Concerning Smallest Formal Rock-Stratigraphic Unit: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
Norman F. Sohl
History of El Paso Geological Society: GEOLOGIC NOTES
W. N. McAnulty
Little Copper Formation: New Name for Lowest Formation of Mississippian Copper Basin Group, Pioneer Mountains, South-Central Idaho: GEOLOGIC NOTES
R. A. Paull , David P. Gruber
Santa Monica and Santa Ana Mountains--Relation to Oligocene Santa Barbara Basin: DISCUSSION
R. H. Campbell , R. F. Yerkes
Santa Monica and Santa Ana Mountains--Relation to Oligocene Santa Barbara Basin: REPLY
John N. Truex
Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of Northwestern Honduras: Basement Terrane in Sierra de Omoa: DISCUSSION
H. H. Wilson
Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of Northwestern Honduras: Basement Terrane in Sierra de Omoa: REPLY
Gregory S. Horne