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AAPG Bulletin
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Flow of Weak Rocks in Appalachian Plateau Folds
D. V. Wiltschko , W. M. Chapple
Teapot Dome--Past, Present, and Future
William H. Curry, Jr.
Gas-Hydrate Horizons Detected in Seismic-Profiler Data from the Western North Atlantic
Brian E. Tucholke , George M. Bryan , John I. Ewing
Late Holocene Sedimentary Provinces, South Texas Outer Continental Shelf
Gerald D. Shideler
Recorrelation of Eocene-Miocene Boundary of Delaware Coastal Plain: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Hardarshan S. Valia , H. Khalifa , Barry Cameron
History of Dallas Geological Society: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Joseph M. Wilson
Regional Geologic Framework off Northeastern United States: DISCUSSION
Nelson C. Steenland
Regional Geologic Framework off Northeastern United States: REPLY
John Schlee , John C. Behrendt , John A. Grow , James M. Robb , Robert E. Mattick , P. T. Taylor , Barbara J. Lawson (5)