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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Thickness and Age of Surficial Sand Sheet, Baltimore Canyon Trough Area
Harley J. Knebel , Elliott Spiker
Structure and Sedimentary History of Southeastern Mediterranean Sea-Nile Cone Area
David A. Ross , Elazar Uchupi
Marine Geology of Baja California Continental Borderland, Mexico
Larry J. Doyle , Donn S. Gorsline
Continental Slope Sediment Instability Northeast of Wilmington Canyon
Bonnie A. McGregor , Richard H. Bennett
Subsidence of Aseismic Ridges: Evidence from Sediments on Rio Grande Rise (Southwest Atlantic Ocean)
Jorn Thiede
Applications Received for Certification by Reciprocity From the Association of Professional Geological Scientists: ERRATUM
Sidney Stewart Galpin