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AAPG Bulletin
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Structural History of Atlantic Margin of Africa
P. Lehner , P. A. C. De Ruiter
Chalk Diagenesis and Its Relation to Petroleum Exploration: Oil from Chalks, a Modern Miracle?
Peter A. Scholle
Trapping of Oil at Intra-Mannville (Lower Cretaceous) Disconformity in Lloydminster Area, Alberta and Saskatchewan
Laurence W. Vigrass
Genesis and Distribution of Desmoinesian (Pennsylvanian) Sandstone Reservoir, Sleepy Hollow Field, Red Willow County, Nebraska
James P. Rogers
Origin of Phosphatic Black Shale Facies in Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of Mid-Continent North America
Philip H. Heckel
Micritization and Carbonate-Grain Binding by Endolithic Algae
David R. Kobluk , Michael J. Risk
Note 47--Application for Amendment of Articles 27 and 34 of Stratigraphic Code to Introduce Point-Boundary Stratotype Concept: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
Roger W. MacQueen , Steven S. Oriel
Significant Geologic Processes in Development of Fracture Porosity: GEOLOGIC NOTE
J. B. Currie
Abnormal Formation Pressure: DISCUSSION
G. D. Hobson
Shear Zones Inside Gulf Coast Salt Stocks Help to Delineate Spines of Movement: DISCUSSION
H. Hugh Wilson
Shear Zones Inside Gulf Coast Salt Stocks Help to Delineate Spines of Movement: REPLY
Donald H. Kupfer