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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Mechanics of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment

Tim T. Schowalter

Oil and Gas Migration--Chemical and Physical Constraints

Clayton D. McAuliffe

Salt Movement on Continental Slope, Northern Gulf of Mexico

C. C. Humphris, Jr.

Reservoir Properties of Conglomerates and Conglomeratic Sandstones: GEOLOGIC NOTES

R. H. Clarke

Geology and Development of Mills Ranch Complex--World's Deepest Field: GEOLOGIC NOTES

R. M. Jemison, Jr.

Deep-Water Sandstone Facies and Ancient Submarine Fans: Models for Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps: DISCUSSION

K. R. Aalto

Deep-Water Sandstone Facies and Ancient Submarine Fans: Models for Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps: REPLY

Roger G. Walker

Thickness of Removed Sedimentary Rocks, Paleopore Pressure, and Paleotemperature, Southwestern Part of Western Canada Basin: DISCUSSION

Naresh Kumar

Thickness of Removed Sedimentary Rocks, Paleopore Pressure, and Paleotemperature, Southwestern Part of Western Canada Basin: DISCUSSION

Kinji Magara

Borehole Gravity Study of Density and Porosity of Selected Frontier, Tensleep, and Madison Reservoirs in Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

L. A. Beyer

Oil and Gas Potential of Santa Fe Embayment, Santa Fe County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Bruce A. Black

Applied Exploration Geology and Uranium Resources of Great Divide Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

W. W. Boberg

Mineral Evaluation of Oil-Shale Land Exchanges: ABSTRACT

Ray A. Brady

Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Relations Among Three Frontier-Turner Depocenters in Wyoming Portion of Powder River Basin: ABSTRACT

Robert L. Brenner

Less Common Trace Elements in Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits--Theory and Application: ABSTRACT

D. G. Brookins, R. S. Della Valle

Stratigraphy and Coal Deposits of Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group in Southern Wasatch Plateau, Utah: ABSTRACT

Hildred Bucurel

Basin Evolution of Late Paleozoic Taos Trough, Northern New Mexico: ABSTRACT

J. Michael Casey

Definition of Depositional Facies of Parachute Creek Member of Green River Formation, Colorado--Evidence from Sulfur Isotopes and Whole-Rock Mineralogic Data: ABSTRACT

R. D. Cole, M. D. Picard, A. M. Ochs

Tertiary Correlations in Bighorn and Uinta Basins, Wyoming and Utah: ABSTRACT

William H. Curry

Lineament Mapping with Orbiting Imaging Radar: ABSTRACT

Micheal Daily, Harry E. Stewart

Deposition and Diagenesis of Organic Matter and Calcium Carbonate in Modern North Temperate Lakes: ABSTRACT

Walter E. Dean

Geologic Characteristics of Valles Caldera Geothermal System in New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Richard F. Dondanville

Paleokarst Controls on Localization of Uranium at Pitch Mine, Sawatch Range, Colorado: ABSTRACT

J. Ann Dupree, R. Mark Maslyn

Coal Variations in Fluvial Deposition of Paleocene Tongue River Member of Fort Union Formation, Powder River Area, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT

Romeo M. Flores

Geology of Paleozoic Strata in West-Central Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

Laszlo M. Fuzesy

Post-Depositional Control of Gas-Reservoir Quality in Eagle Sandstone of Bearpaw Mountains, North-Central Montana: ABSTRACT

Donald L. Gautier

Environments for Sedimentary Uranium in Triassic-Jurassic Basins, Eastern North America: ABSTRACT

J. Douglas Glaeser

Coal Development in Powder River Basin of Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Gary B. Glass

Alluvial Fans and Their Deposits in Devonian Hornelen Basin, Norway: ABSTRACT

Tor Gunnar Gloppen, Ron Steel

Mississippian Carbonate Shelf Margin Along Overthrust Belt from Montana to Nevada: ABSTRACT

Raymond C. Gutschick, Charles A. Sandberg, William J. Sando

Application of Nonmarine Mollusca to Paleoenvironmental Interpretation and Correlation of Paleogene Rocks: ABSTRACT

John H. Hanley

Alluvial-Plain Sediments of Nubia, Southwestern Egypt: ABSTRACT

J. C. Harms

Oil and Gas Potential of Wyoming: ABSTRACT

John D. Haun

Powder River Basin Uranium Deposits; History and Production: ABSTRACT

W. D. Hausel

Update on Exploration for Diamonds in Colorado-Wyoming Kimberlite Province: ABSTRACT

W. D. Hausel, M. E. McCallum, T. L. Woodzick

Hartville Uplift--New Look at an Old Area: ABSTRACT

Earl T. Hegna

Relations Between Sedimentary Facies and Diagenesis in Frenchman Formation (Maestrichtian) of Southern Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

H. E. Hendry, G. N. Sutherland, S. J. C. Wing

Nonmarine Depositional Environments and Uranium Exploration in Lower Cretaceous Antlers Formation, North Texas: ABSTRACT

David K. Hobday, Dawn G. McKalips

Flood-Plain Sequences of Fine-Grained Meander-Belt System, Lower Wasatch and Upper Fort Union Formations, Central Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Timothy J. Jackson, Frank G. Ethridge, Alv D. Youngberg

Painter Reservoir-Clear Creek-Ryckman Creek Nugget Sandstone Trend in Absaroka Thrust Plate, Uinta County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Earl V. Jones, Jr.

Whitney Canyon Field--Potential Gas Giant in Wyoming Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT

James B. Judd, William R. Sacrison

Influence of Diagenetic Reactions on Nonmarine Upper Cretaceous Rocks of Southman Canyon Gas Field, Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT

C. William Keighin, Thomas D. Fouch

Structural Geology of Northern Salt River Range, Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt--Preliminary Report: ABSTRACT

David R. Lageson

Wrench Faulting and Hydrocarbon Occurrence in Northwestern Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming: ABSTRACT

B. E. Law, B. E. Barnum

Hot-Spring-Generated Karst Features Near Salida, Colorado: ABSTRACT

R. Mark Maslyn

Importance of Secondary Porosity in Sandstones to Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT

Earle F. McBride

Pennsylvanian Coarse-Grained Meandering Fluvial Deposits, Taos Trough, North-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT

John C. McBryde, J. Michael Casey

Depositional Facies and Uranium Occurrence, Triassic (Dockum Group), Texas Panhandle: ABSTRACT

J. H. McGowen

Recent Salt Sedimentation in Playa Lakes of Ebro Basin, Spain: ABSTRACT

Martin F. Mingarro, S. Ordonez Delgado, A. Garcia del Cura, C. Lopez de Azcona

Yellow Creek Field, Uinta County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Tom C. Moklestad

Structural Pattern of Eastern Part of Disturbed Belt of Montana: ABSTRACT

Melville R. Mudge

Geology and Structural Control of Geothermal System at Roosevelt Hot Springs KGRA, Beaver County, Utah: ABSTRACT

Dennis L. Nielson, Bruce S. Sibbett, D. Brooks McKinney

Petrology of Tertiary Sandstones of Southern Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado--Implication for Provenance and Depositional Processes: ABSTRACT

Allan M. Ochs, R. D. Cole

Petroleum Exploration in Younger Over Older Thrust Plates in Southeastern Idaho: ABSTRACT

Steven S. Oriel, Lucian B. Platt

Sedimentary and Tectonic Controls of Uranium Mineralization in Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of South-Central Utah: ABSTRACT

Fred Peterson

Stratigraphy of Lacustrine Deposits: ABSTRACT

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.

Evidence for Two Major Cycles of Petroleum Generation in Mississippian Chainman Shale of East-Central Nevada: ABSTRACT

Forrest G. Poole, Thomas D. Fouch, George E. Claypool

Laramie-Hanna-Shirley Basins--Future Petroleum Potential: ABSTRACT

Lorna A. Porter

Bowdoin Dome Area, North-Central Montana--Example of Shallow Biogenic Gas Production from Low-Permeability Reservoirs: ABSTRACT

Dudley D. Rice, Gary L. Nydegger, Charles A. Brown

Mount Taylor Uranium Deposit--Description and Comparison with Wyoming Roll Fronts: ABSTRACT

Walter C. Riese, Douglas G. Brookins

Vermillion Creek Coal Bed, High-Sulfur, Radioactive Coal of Paludal-Lacustrine Origin in Wasatch Formation of Vermillion Creek Basin, Wyoming and Colorado: ABSTRACT

Henry W. Roehler

Minnelusa-Powder River Basin--Past, Present, and Future: ABSTRACT

Robert C. Roehrs

Seismic Models of Fifteen Stratigraphically Controlled Oil and Gas Fields with Sandstone Reservoirs, Rocky Mountain Basins: ABSTRACT

Robert T. Ryder, Gerald N. Smith, Myung W. Lee

Depositional Setting of Coals in Upper Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Member, Central Utah: ABSTRACT

Thomas A. Ryer

Hydrocarbon Shows--Proximity Indicators for Stratigraphic Traps: ABSTRACT

Tim T. Schowalter

Evolution and Response of Fluvial System--Sedimentologic Implications: ABSTRACT

Stanley A. Schumm

Oil and Gas in China: ABSTRACT

Robert W. Scott

Hydrogeologic Significance of Ogallala Fluvial Environments: ABSTRACT

Russell G. Shepherd, Willard G. Owens

Paleosols as Environmental Indicators in Nonmarine Sedimentary Rocks--Example from Brule Formation: ABSTRACT

Charles R. Singler, M. Dane Picard

Geology and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Mississippian Midale Beds, Benson Oil Field, Southeastern Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

Scott R. Smith

New Look at Oil and Gas Resources of Denver-Julesburg Basin: ABSTRACT

John L. Stout, Betty M. Miller

Uranium Geology of Morton Ranch Property, Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Thomas J. Suchomel

United States and World Energy Outlook for the 1980s: ABSTRACT

M. Ray Thomasson

Lacustrine Humate Model--Sedimentologic and Geochemical Model for Tabular Uranium Deposits: ABSTRACT

Christine Turner-Peterson

Sedimentology of Volcaniclastic Deposits from 1971-1974 Eruption Cluster of Volcano Fuego, Guatemala: ABSTRACT

Richard K. Vessell, David K. Davies

Solution Mining of Uranium and Its Effect on Exploration: ABSTRACT

Warren H. Westphal

Geology and Current Development Activity at Little Knife Field, North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Martin D. Wittstrom

Petroleum Production from Basal Greenbrier Formation in Hyden West Pool, Eastern Kentucky: ABSTRACT

Michael J. Birch, William C. Macquown

Structure of San Cayetano and Oak Ridge Thrust Faults, East-Central Ventura Basin, California: ABSTRACT

Ibrahim Cemen

Shallow Seismic Reflection in Appalachian Basin with Mini-Sosie: ABSTRACT

Pierre Corre, Gildas Omnes

Integration of Airborne Magnetic and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Data for Uranium Exploration in Eastern Appalachians: ABSTRACT

C. E. Curtis, R. R. Hartman

Geology and Production Potential of Monteagle Limestone (Upper Mississippian) of Morgan County, Tennessee: ABSTRACT

John B. Gustavson

Petroleum Geology of Whirlpool Member (Silurian) of McConnelsville Field, Morgan County, Ohio: ABSTRACT

David E. Harmon, Jr.

Fossil Fluids in Post-Silurian Rocks of Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT

E. T. Heck

Petrology of Triassic-Jurassic Culpeper Group Conglomerates of Virginia: ABSTRACT

Roy C. Lindholm, Jean M. Hazlett, Stuart W. Fagin

Late Ordovician Stratigraphy and Sedimentation in Northern Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT

Earl H. Linn

Geology of Coal Deposits in Southeastern Saline County, Illinois: ABSTRACT

James A. Noel

Silurian-Devonian Embayment into Appalachia: ABSTRACT

Richard A. Smosna, Douglas G. Patchen

Devonian Shale Gas Production, Photolineaments, and Geology in Central Appalachian Basin of West Virginia: ABSTRACT

Eberhard Werner

Profitable Shallow Appalachian Gas Reserves--Hard to Find or Easy to Miss?: ABSTRACT

R. J. Yedlosky