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AAPG Bulletin
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Structural Styles, Their Plate-Tectonic Habitats, and Hydrocarbon Traps in Petroleum Provinces
T. P. Harding , James D. Lowell
Depositional Facies of Lower Paleozoic Allen Bay Carbonate Rocks and Contiguous Shelf and Basin Strata, Cornwallis and Griffith Islands, Northwest Territories, Canada
Dario E. Sodero , John P. Hobson, Jr.
Geochemical Analysis of Hydrocarbon Occurrences in Northern Perth Basin, Australia
B. M. Thomas
Depositional Model of Early Cretaceous Coral-Algal-Rudist Reefs, Arizona
Robert W. Scott
Errors in Extrapolation of Experimental Kinetic Parameters to Organic Geochemical Systems: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Lloyd R. Snowdon
Welling Formation, New Name for Upper Ordovician Unit in Eastern Oklahoma (Formerly Called "Fernvale"): GEOLOGIC NOTES
Thomas W. Amsden
Gulf of California in Lake Mead Area of Arizona and Nevada During Late Miocene Time: DISCUSSION
William C. Cornell
Gulf of California in Lake Mead Area of Arizona and Nevada During Late Miocene Time: REPLY
Will N. Blair , J. Platt Bradbury
Resource Appraisal Predictions and Exploration Performance--Case Studies for Onshore United States: ERRATUM
Richard B. Powers