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AAPG Bulletin
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Sealing and Nonsealing Faults in Louisiana Gulf Coast Salt Basin
Derrell A. Smith
Continental Margin Subsidence and Heat Flow: Important Parameters in Formation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Leigh Royden , J. G. Sclater , R. P. Von Herzen
Porosity Evolution of Upper Miocene Reefs, Almeria Province, Southern Spain
Augustus K. Armstrong, Parke D. Snavely, Jr., Warren O. Addicott
Source Areas and Migration Trends of Oil and Gas in Bombay Offshore Basin, India
D. N. Basu, A. Banerjee, D. M. Tamhane
Structural Analysis of Devils River Uplift-Southern Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas
Robert E. Webster
Seismic Structure of Southwestern Peloponnesus Continental Margin
Patrick Le Quellec , Jean Mascle , Henri Got , Jacques Vittori
Evolution of Sand-Dominant Subaerial Phase, Atchafalaya Delta, Louisiana
H. H. Roberts , R. D. Adams , R. H. W. Cunningham
Ecuadorian Subduction System: DISCUSSION
William G. Henderson , Christopher D. R. Evans
Ecuadorian Subduction System: REPLY
Peter Lonsdale