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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Devonian "Great Barrier Reef" of Canning Basin, Western Australia

Phillip E. Playford

Comparison of Sand-Layer Geometry on Flat Floors of 10 Modern Depositional Basins

Orrin H. Pilkey , Stanley D. Locker , William J. Cleary

Latest Jurassic--Early Cretaceous Regressive Facies, Northeast Africa Craton

Franklyn B. Van Houten

Arc-Continent Collision in Banda Sea Region

Carl Bowin , G. M. Purdy , Chris Johnston , George Shor , Lawrence Lawver (5), H. M. S. Hartono (6), Peter Jezek (7)

Time and Temperature in Petroleum Formation: Application of Lopatin's Method to Petroleum Exploration

Douglas W. Waples

Microfracture Development in Compacting Sediments: Relation to Hydrocarbon-Maturation Kinetics

V. V. Palciauskas, P. A. Domenico

Exploration Model for Pennsylvanian Upper Delta Plain Coals, Southwest West Virginia

David J. Howell , John C. Ferm

Exposures of Greenhorn Formation and Carlile Shale (Upper Cretaceous) at Lake Traverse, Western Minnesota: GEOLOGIC NOTES

George W. Shurr

Petrography and Geologic Significance of Upper Jurassic Rocks Dredged Near Pribilof Islands, Southern Bering Sea Continental Shelf: GEOLOGIC NOTES

T. L. Vallier, M. B. Underwood, D. L. Jones, J. V. Gardner

Petrology of Arbuckle Group, Central Kansas: ABSTRACT

Curtis D. Conley

The Alsands Project--A Challenge in Petroleum and Mining Geology: ABSTRACT

J. Douglas Feir

Geology of In Situ Pilot Project, Wabasca Oil Sands Deposit, Alberta: ABSTRACT

T. R. Lennox, M. M. Lerand

Variation in Turbidite Sand Facies and Application to Petroleum Geology: ABSTRACT

C. Hans Nelson, Audrey A. Wright

Red Wing Creek Field--Cosmic Impact Structure: ABSTRACT

Elmer S. Parson, Gordon W. Henderson, Louis J. Conti

Structure, Stratigraphy, and Geologic History of Florida-Hatteras Shelf and Inner Blake Plateau: ERRATUM

Charles K. Paull, William P. Dillon

Abnormally High Fluid Pressure: Survey of Some Basic Principles: ERRATUM

William J. Plumley

Memorials: ERRATUM