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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Deltaic Coals of Ferron Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale: Predictive Model for Cretaceous Coal-Bearing Strata of Western Interior

Thomas A. Ryer

Ekofisk : First of the Giant Oil Fields in Western Europe

Edwin Van Den Bark, Owen D. Thomas

Organic Facies of Middle Cretaceous Black Shales in Deep North Atlantic

Colin P. Summerhayes

Effect of Fault-Related Granulation on Porosity and Permeability of Quartz Sandstones, Simpson Group (Ordovician), Oklahoma

Edward D. Pittman

Geochemistry of Oil from Santa Cruz Basin, Bolivia: Case Study of Migration-Fractionation

H. A. Illich , F. R. Haney , M. Mendoza

Structural Evolution of Harmaliyah Oil Field, Eastern Saudi Arabia

M. W. Ibrahim , M. S. Khan , H. Khatib

Significance of Fracture Sets Associated with Stylolite Zones: GEOLOGIC NOTES

R. A. Nelson

Correlation of Oil and Asphaltite in Ouachita Mountain Region of Oklahoma: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Joseph A. Curiale , William E. Harrison

Migration of Hydrocarbons and Secondary Porosity in Sandstones: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Zuhair Al-Shaieb , John W. Shelton

Diagenetic and Sedimentologic Explanation for High Seismic Velocity and Low Porosity in Mesozoic-Tertiary Sediments, Svalbard Region: DISCUSSION

Marc B. Edwards

Diagenetic and Sedimentologic Explanation for High Seismic Velocity and Low Porosity in Mesozoic-Tertiary Sediments, Svalbard Region: REPLY

Anders Elverhoi

Depositional Environments and Reservoir Morphologies of Channel Sandstones: ABSTRACT

Richard R. Bloomer

Intraslope Basins on Active Diapiric Continental Slope: A Key to Sand-Body Geometry in Ancient Submarine Canyons and Fans: ABSTRACT

Arnold H. Bouma

Petroleum Source Beds: Environment of Deposition and Stratigraphy: ABSTRACT

Gerard Demaison

Evolution of Carbonate Porosity During Burial--Bahamas, Florida, and Gulf Coast: Holocene to Jurassic: ABSTRACT

Robert B. Halley

Deep Tuscaloosa Gas Trend of South Louisiana: ABSTRACT

L. W. Funkhouser, F. X. Bland, C. C. Humphris, Jr.

Abnormal Pressures Produced by Hydrocarbon Generation and Maturation and Their Relation to Processes of Migration and Accumulation: ABSTRACT

Fred F. Meissner

Stratigraphic Evolution of North American Cordillera: ABSTRACT

James W. H. Monger

Interpretation of Subsurface Hydrocarbon Shows: ABSTRACT

Tim T. Schowalter