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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Petroleum Origin and Accumulation in Basin Evolution--A Quantitative Model

D. H. Welte, M. A. Yukler

History of Burial Diagenesis Determined from Isotopic Geochemistry, Frio Formation, Brazoria County, Texas

K. L. Milliken , L. S. Land , R. G. Loucks

Relation Between Regional Lineament Systems and Structural Zones in Nevada

Lawrence C. Rowan, Pamela H. Wetlaufer

Stratigraphic and Economic Significance of Mississippian Sequence at North Georgetown Canyon, Idaho

William J. Sando , Charles A. Sandberg , Raymond C. Gutschick

Orogenic Provenance of Mississippian Sandstones Associated with Southern Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen

Greg H. Mack , W. Calvin James , William A. Thomas

Hydrologic Framework of A Sabkha Along Arabian Gulf

R. J. Patterson , D. J. J. Kinsman

Lithostratigraphy of Shell 272-1 and 273-1 Wells: Implications as to Depositional History of Baltimore Canyon Trough, Mid-Atlantic OCS: GEOLOGIC NOTE

Jan Libby-French

Computerized Process for Interpretation of Well Logs in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: ABSTRACT

Roberto Aguilera, Luis A. Acevedo

Arkoma Basin Model: Middle Ordovician Through Early Devonian: ABSTRACT

Thomas W. Amsden

Transitional Desmoinesian to Missourian Cyclic Deposits on Opposite Shores of Arkoma Seaway: ABSTRACT

Allan P. Bennison

Uranium Mineralization in North-Central and Southwestern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Salman Bloch, Kenneth S. Johnson

COCORP Deep Seismic Reflection Traverse Across Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: ABSTRACT

J. A. Brewer

Horizontal Seismic Sections and Their Utility in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT

Alistair R. Brown

Washita Valley Fault System--A New Look at an Old Fault: ABSTRACT

W. G. Brown

Petrologic Factors Controlling Internal Migration and Expulsion of Petroleum from Source Rocks: Woodford-Chattanooga of Oklahoma and Arkansas: ABSTRACT

John B. Comer, Henry H. Hinch

Hydrocarbon Occurrences in Frontal and Central Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Joseph A. Curiale, William E. Harrison

Enhanced Oil Recovery Using High-Pressure Inert-Gas Injection, East Binger (Marchand) Unit, Caddo County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

R. A. Easterly, W. C. Fredericks, L. D. Hudspeth

Future Hydrocarbon Potential of Viola Limestone in Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

James L. Evans

Comments on Structure Within Wichita Mountains Crustal Block: ABSTRACT

M. Charles Gilbert

Lignite Development and Utilization in Mid-Continent Region: ABSTRACT

C. G. Groat

Middle Atokan Delta Systems in Arkoma Basin of Arkansas: ABSTRACT

Richard A. Haines

Gas Potential of Ouachita Facies, Atoka and Pushmataha Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Gary W. Hart

Coal Geology of Northern Part of Northeast Oklahoma Shelf Area: ABSTRACT

Leroy A. Hemish

Anadarko Basin--A Model for Regional Petroleum Accumulations: ABSTRACT

G. W. Hill, Jr.

High-Constructive, Tidally Influenced Deltaic Sedimentation in Arkoma Basin: Desmoinesian Hartshorne Sandstone: ABSTRACT

D. W. Houseknecht

Methane Production Potential from Hartshorne Coal Beds in Deep Parts of Pittsburg, Coal, and Hughes Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Anthony T. Iannacchione, David W. Houseknecht

Harrisburg Trough, Stephens County, Oklahoma--An Update: ABSTRACT

Mark I. Jacobsen

Ouachita Facies, an Overview: ABSTRACT

L. S. Morrison

Geothermal Energy Resources in Mid-Continent: ABSTRACT

Don W. Steeples

Statistical Relations Between Borehole and Surface Data: ABSTRACT

Dale G. Stone

Goddard Sand Study, East Ardmore and Caddo Fields: ABSTRACT

J. S. Vietti, S. D. Adams

Subunconformity Seismic Stratigraphic Exploration: ABSTRACT

J. A. Ward

Exploration for Petroleum in Cyclic Sediments of Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian in Kansas--A Closer Look in a Mature Province: ABSTRACT

W. Lynn Watney, Jeffrey M. Glossa

Ordovician Viola Limestone, Southeast Joiner City Field, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

John R. Waugh, II, James S. Crompton

Westwater Canyon Member of Morrison Formation: Is it Really One Fan?: ABSTRACT

C. E. Turner-Peterson

Origin of San Miguel Lignite Deposit and Associated Lithofacies, Jackson Group, South Texas: ERRATUM

J. W. Snedden, D. G. Kersey