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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geology of Norton Basin and Continental Shelf Beneath Northwestern Bering Sea, Alaska
Michael A. Fisher , William W. Patton, Jr. , Mark L. Holmes
Petroleum Geology of Norton Basin, Alaska
Michael A. Fisher
Fault Patterns Associated with Domes--An Experimental and Analytical Study
Martha O. Withjack, Cynthia Scheiner
Model to Evaluate Exploration Strategies
David Austin Jones, Neal A. Buck, Jack Harris Kelsey
Late Proterozoic Submarine Canyons of Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia
C. C. Von Der Borch , R. Smit , A. E. Grady
New Upper Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic Stratigraphic Units, Central and Western Brooks Range, Alaska
C. G. Mull , I. L. Tailleur , C. F. Mayfield , Inyo Ellersieck , S. Curtis
Gypsum Precipitation by Mixing Seawater Brines
Omer B. Raup
Effects of Oil and Gas Accumulation on Water Movement: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Richard E. Chapman
Volume of Organic-Rich Devonian Shale in the Appalachian Basin: Relating "Black" to Organic-Matter Content: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Ronald R. Charpentier, James W. Schmoker