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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Oil and Gas Prospecting Beneath Precambrian of Foreland Thrust Plates in Rocky Mountains
Robbie Gries
Franciscan-Knoxville Problem: Relationship Between an Accretionary Prism and Adjacent Fore-Arc Basin
R. J. Korsch
A Model for Development of Red Sea
James R. Cochran
Origin of Uraniferous Phosphatic Beds in Wilkins Peak Member of Green River Formation, Wyoming
L. V. Mott , J. I. Drever
Structural Controls on Submarine-Fan Geometry and Internal Architecture: Upper La Jolla Fan System, Offshore Southern California
S. A. Graham , S. B. Bachman
Petroleum Geology of Southern Iraq
M. W. Ibrahim
Uranium Mineralization and Use of Resistance Log Character in Deltaic Point Bars: Franklin Mine, Karnes County, Texas
Stephen P. J. Cossey , Hal J. Frank
Geocatalytic Reactions in Formation and Maturation of Petroleum
T. P. Goldstein
Clay Mineral Transformations in Tertiary and Mesozoic Sediments from North Sea
Henning Dypvik
Shallow Temperatures and Thermal Regime in the Hydrocarbon Province of Tierra del Fuego
Gary W. Zielinski , Peter M. Bruchhausen