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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Oil and Gas Potential of the Maritime Boundary Region in the Central Gulf of Mexico
R. Q. Foote , R. G. Martin , R. B. Powers
Depositional Relations of Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks, Northeastern Alaska
C. M. Molenaar
Geology and Hydrocarbon Accumulations, Columbus Basin, Offshore Trinidad
Ray Leonard
Source Rock Evaluation by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography
Harry Dembicki, Jr. , Brian Horsfield , Thomas T. Y. Ho
Late Quaternary Depositional Systems and Sea Level Change--Santa Monica and San Pedro Basins, California Continental Borderland
Thomas R. Nardin
Petrofacies and Provenance of Late Mesozoic Forearc Basin, Northern and Central California
Raymond V. Ingersoll
Evolution of a Forearc Basin, Luzon Central Valley, Philippines
Steven B. Bachman , Stephen D. Lewis , William J. Schweller
Asphalts, Oils, and Bituminous Rocks from the Dead Sea Area--A Geochemical Correlation Study
B. Spiro, D. H. Welte, J. Rullkotter, R. G. Schaefer
Correlation of Natural Gas by Use of Carbon Isotopic Distribution Between Hydrocarbon Components
Alan T. James