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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Basin Evolution During Change from Convergent to Transform Continental Margin in Central California
S. A. Graham, C. McCloy, M. Hitzman, R. Ward, R. Turner
Sedimentation, Tectonism, and Hydrocarbon Generation in Delaware Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico
John M. Hills
Sorting and Wave Abrasion: Controls on Composition and Diagenesis in Lower Frontier Sandstones, Southwestern Wyoming
Robert D. Winn, Jr. , Sharon A. Stonecipher , Michele G. Bishop
Coal Quality, Coal Rank Variation and its Relation to Reconstructed Overburden, Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Plains Coals, Alberta, Canada
John R. Nurkowski
Thermal Subsidence and Generation of Hydrocarbons in Michigan Basin
Jeffrey A. Nunn , Norman H. Sleep , Wayne E. Moore
Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of Magdalena Fan, Southern Colombian Basin, Caribbean Sea
V. Kolla , R. T. Buffler , J. W. Ladd
Graben Hydrocarbon Occurrences and Structural Style
T. P. Harding
Geochemical Surface Exploration for Hydrocarbons in North Sea
E. Faber, W. Stahl
Petroleum Source-Bed Evaluation of Tertiary Niger Delta: DISCUSSION
D. O. Lambert-Aikhionbare , A. C. Ibe
Petroleum Source-Bed Evaluation of Tertiary Niger Delta: REPLY
C. M. Ekweozor , E. M. Daukoru