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AAPG Bulletin
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Recent Advances in Petroleum Geochemistry Applied to Hydrocarbon Exploration
B. P. Tissot
Habitat of Oil in Abu Gharadig and Faiyum Basins, Western Desert, Egypt
Ghareeb M. Awad
Model for Sandstone-Carbonate "Cyclothems" Based on Upper Member of Morgan Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Northern Utah and Colorado
Steven G. Driese , R. H. Dott, Jr.
Regional Setting of Niobrara Formation in Northern Great Plains
George W. Shurr
Paleogeography of Monterey Formation, Cuyama Basin, California
Martin B. Lagoe
Potential for Significant Oil and Gas Fracture Reservoirs in Cretaceous Rocks of Raton Basin, New Mexico
Lee A. Woodward
A Method for Estimating Subsurface Fracture Density in Core
W. Narr , I. Lerche
Middle Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs, Fahud Field and Northwestern Oman
P. M. Harris , S. H. Frost
Ekofisk: First of the Giant Oil Fields of Western Europe: REPLY
Owen D. Thomas , L. K. S. Popham