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AAPG Bulletin
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Accretion of the South Florida Platform, Late Quaternary Development
Charles W. Holmes
Quantitative Evaluation of Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group as Source Rock for Alberta's Oil Sands
Stephen O. Moshier , Douglas W. Waples
Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North America--COSUNA
Orlo E. Childs
Chronostratigraphic and Geochronometric Scales in COSUNA Stratigraphic Correlation Charts of the United States
Amos Salvador
Depositional Processes of a Meandering Channel on Mississippi Fan
K. A. Kastens, A. N. Shor
New Hypothesis for Formation of Lengguru Foldbelt, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
D. B. Dow , G. P. Robinson , N. Ratman
Outcrop, Subsurface, and Seismic Mapping of a Basal Transgressive Sand: ABSTRACT
Ward Owen Abbott
Exploration for Stratigraphic and Combination Traps by Use of Low-Cost Interactive Computer Work Station: ABSTRACT
Claude G. Abry
Subsurface Glen Rose Reef Trend of East Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi: ABSTRACT
G. Steven Adams, Douglas B. Watkins
Geophysical Review of Trans-Pecos Area of West Texas: ABSTRACT
Sunit K. Addy, H. W. Dejong, George W. Whitney, Ralph E. Worthington
Interactive Information Management in Exploration: ABSTRACT
Peter P. Adey, Steven Serpati
Geology and Exploration History of South Marsh Island Block 9 Field, Offshore, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
R. H. Akers, R. A. Cole, D. B. Meyer
Andean Structures Along West Flank of Neuquen Basin, Argentina: ABSTRACT
Richardson B. Allen, Jeffrey Feehan, Jeffrey Gernand, Bruce Nickelsen, Miguel Giraut
Breaking Walther's Law: ABSTRACT
E. J. Anderson, Peter W. Goodwin
Influence of Depositional Facies on Hydrocarbon Production in Pennsylvanian Tensleep Sandstone, Big Horn and Wind River Basins, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Sarah Andrews, Terri Bostedt, Lindi S. Higgins
Depositional Patterns of Kerogen, Atlantic Margin, North America: ABSTRACT
John M. Armentrout
Origin of Sulfate Minerals in San Andres and Grayburg Formations, Crane and Upton Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Stacy C. Atchley, Mike Hawthorne, William H. Jamieson, Jr.
Relationship Between Morphological Variation and Environment in Holocene North Atlantic Benthic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT
Tracie L. Aycox, James M. Parks
Crustal Structure and Tectonic Development of Gulf of Guinea Cul-de-Sac from Integrated Interpretation of New Aeromagnetic and Existing Geophysical Data: ABSTRACT
Olufemi O. Babalola
New Dense-Grid Aeromagnetic Map of Gulf of Guinea Cul-de-Sac, Northeastern Equatorial Atlantic Ocean: ABSTRACT
Olufemi O. Babalola
Smackover Exploration in the 1980s Along Conecuh Ridge, Southwestern Alabama: ABSTRACT
Janet E. Bailey, James L. Rice
Reworking of Sedimentary Pyrite on Euxinic Sea Floors, Devonian, Western New York: ABSTRACT
Gordon C. Baird, Carlton E. Brett
Geochemistry of Regionally Extensive Dolomites, Burlington and Keokuk Formations (Mississippian), Iowa and Illinois: ABSTRACT
Jay Banner, Gilbert Hanson, William Meyers, Joan Prosky
Composition of Ultradeep Gas--Theoretical and Experimental Study: ABSTRACT
Colin Barker, Nicholas E. Takach, Michael P. Smith
North Pecan Island Field: a Mature Trend Discovery in Miocene of Southern Louisiana: ABSTRACT
A. G. Bauer, J. A. McCormick
Woodbine Palynofacies--Their Relationship to Tuscaloosa of Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Terry L. Beach
Diagenesis, Fracturing, and Production from Monterey Formation, Offshore California: ABSTRACT
William C. Belfield
Effects of Area-Wide Leasing in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
A. L. Benson
Smackover Reservoirs in Southwestern Alabama: ABSTRACT
D. Joe Benson
Naturally Fractured Jambalaya--Analyzing a New Reservoir Type: ABSTRACT
Jerry L. Bergosh, T. R. Marks, A. F. Mitkus
Lagoa Feia Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil--Rift-Valley-Stage Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Renato T. Bertani, Albert V. Carozzi
Exploration Model for Unconformity-Related Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Cherokee Group of Western Kansas: ABSTRACT
David W. Bieber
Lunar Resources--Enabling Factor in Industrialization of Near-Earth Space: ABSTRACT
Alan B. Binder
Depositional Environment of Lower Cambrian Limestones, Nahant, Massachusetts: ABSTRACT
M. P. Bingham, R. H. Bailey
Eocene and Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs in East-Central Tunisia: ABSTRACT
William F. Bishop
Measurement of Contemporary Thermal Properties in Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
David D. Blackwell
Fluid Inclusion Analyses of Detrital Quartz Grains--New Provenance Tool: ABSTRACT
John D. Bloch
Paleovertisols as Indicators of Climate: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Blodgett
Ostracode Distribution in Late Pennsylvanian Finis Shale Cyclothem: ABSTRACT
Kimberly Ann Boller
New Vista of Crustal Architecture--High-Order Geoidal Images: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Bostrom
Quaternary Stratigraphy of Sable Island Bank, Nova Scotia: ABSTRACT
Ron Boyd
Bagnold's Log Hyperbolic Approach to Sand Grain-Size Analysis as Adapted to a Large Sedimentation Tower: ABSTRACT
G. Robert Brakenridge, Tao Vuong
Preservation of "Event Beds" Through Time: ABSTRACT
Danita Brandt Velbel
Lateral Continuity of Turbidite Lithofacies Within Pennsylvanian Jackfork Group Near DeGray Lake, Clark County, Central Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Curtis E. Breckon, Charles F. Mansfield
Offbank Transport of Carbonate Sands in Northern Straits of Florida--a Function of Sea Level: ABSTRACT
Gregg R. Brooks, Charles W. Holmes
Graphical Displays of Cross Sections Produced on the Computer: ABSTRACT
Lawrence L. Brooks
Sublacustrine Fan Reservoirs of Riacho da Barra Field, Reconcavo Rift Basin, Brazil: ABSTRACT
Carlos H. L. Bruhn, Jose M. Caixeta, Julio C. Scarton
Freshwater-Phreatic Calcite Cementation, Schooner Cays, Bahamas: ABSTRACT
David A. Budd
Distribution of Oceanic Versus Transitional Crust in Deep Gulf of Mexico Basin--Implications for Early History: ABSTRACT
Richard T. Buffler, Dale S. Sawyer
Plate Tectonic History of the Arctic: ABSTRACT
Kevin Burke
Paleo-temperatures from Fluid Inclusions--Advances in Theory and Technique: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Burruss
Sonograph Mosaic of Northern California and Southern Oregon Exclusive Economic Zone: ABSTRACT
David A. Cacchione, David E. Drake, Samuel H. Clarke, Douglas G. Masson
Paleoenvironmental Data as Exploration Tool in Lower Miocene of Offshore Texas: ABSTRACT
John L. Carney, Louise P. Draper, James H. Gamber, Alfred F. Geen, T. Karmen
Origin of Na-Ca-Cl Brines in Jurassic and Cretaceous Reservoirs of Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Alden B. Carpenter
Hybrid Eolian Dunes of William River Dune Field, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada: ABSTRACT
M. A. Carson, P. A. Maclean
Neogene Deep-Living Radiolarian Zonation and Its Uses: ABSTRACT
Richard E. Casey, Cynthia R. Wigley
Uses of Vitrinite Reflectance in Determining Thermal History in Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
John R. Castano
Thermal Subsidence of Santos and Sergipe-Alagoas Basins, Brazil--Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT
Hung K. Chang, Renato O. Kowsmann
Uniformitarian Hypothesis to Explain Permian-Triassic Life Extinctions: ABSTRACT
John J. Chapman
Computer-Generated Reconnaissance Maps Using Commercial Data: ABSTRACT
William H. Chapman
Numerical Simulation of Subsurface Flow in a Sedimentary Basin: ABSTRACT
Yee-Ping Chia
Analysis of Amplitude Versus Offset to Detect Gas/Oil Contacts in Arabian Gulf: ABSTRACT
Edward F. Chiburis
Bore-Hole Seismic Profiles in Ekofisk Field: ABSTRACT
P. A. F. Christie, J. A. Dangerfield
Siliciclastic Incursion in Southern Florida and Development of Florida Reefs During Late Cenozoic: ABSTRACT
Gong Soo Chung, Robert N. Ginsburg
Alaska--an Explorationist's Jambalaya: ABSTRACT
Michael Churkin, Jr., Wesley K. Wallace, Thomas E. Moore
Thickness Trends and Structure of Berea Sandstone (Mississippian) in Washington County, Ohio: ABSTRACT
Mitchell Ciccarone, Warren Norton
Methane Hydrate in Slope Sediments on West Coast of Central America: ABSTRACT
George E. Claypool, Charles N. Threlkeld
Applications of Geochemistry to Production, Storage, and Use of Natural Gas: ABSTRACT
Dennis D. Coleman
Stratigraphic Evolution of Paleozoic Erathem, Northern Florida: ABSTRACT
James L. Coleman, Jr.
Evaluation of Local Geothermal Gradients on North Slope of Alaska: ABSTRACT
Timothy S. Collett
Post-Laramide Uplift and Erosional History of Northern Wind River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
James E. Conel, Harold R. Lang, Earnest D. Paylor
Sixty-Five Volcanic Events Recorded in Single Coal Bed: ABSTRACT
Carol Waite Connor
Volcanic Sediments--New Reservoir Fairways in Back-Arc Basins, Eastern Australia: ABSTRACT
John R. Conolly, John C. Ferm
Predicting Interval Transit Time for Synthetic Seismograms from Nuclear Well Logs: ABSTRACT
B. H. Corley
Seismic Stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms and Margins, Eastern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
William Corso, Richard T. Buffler
Sulfur Isotopes Related to Sedimentation Conditions for Metalliferous Black Shales of Pennsylvanian Age: ABSTRACT
Raymond M. Coveney, Jr., Nelson R. Shaffer
Morphologic Information on Cretaceous Nannofossils from Niobrara Formation: ABSTRACT
J. Mitchener Covington
Arctic Reconstruction from Alaskan Viewpoint: ABSTRACT
R. C. Crane
Reaction of Organic Material to Progressive Geologic Heating: ABSTRACT
S. Creaney
Benthic Foraminiferal Morphology: New Approach to Paleodepth Interpretations in Northern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Stephen J. Culver, Anthony C. Gary, Martin A. Buzas
Molecular Thermal Maturity Indicators in Oil and Gas Source Rocks: ABSTRACT
Joseph A. Curiale, Stephen R. Larter, Robert E. Sweeney, Bruce W. Bromley
Paleoecology of Foraminifera of Lower Castle Hayne in Southeastern North Carolina: ABSTRACT
J. Michael Danford
Depositional and Diagenetic Aspects of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs in Glorieta Formation (Permian), Northern Midland Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
William T. Davidson
Wrenching and Oil Migration, Mervine Field, Kay County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Harold G. Davis
Geophysical Model of Gravity-Magnetic High, Virginia Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT
Gordon E. Davison, Ali A. Nowroozi, Ramesh Venkatakrishnan
Experimental Fabric-Selective Porosity in Phylloid-Algal Limestones: ABSTRACT
William C. Dawson, Albert V. Carozzi
Sedimentary and Reservoir Geology of Upper Cretaceous Doe Creek Sandstone, Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT
David W. Dearborn, Dale A. Leckie, Dan Potocki
Regional Appraisal of Hydrocarbon Potential of Trans-Pecos Texas: Methodology and Conclusions: ABSTRACT
H. W. Dejong, Sunit K. Addy, George W. Whitney, Ralph E. Worthington
Expert Systems in Seismic Exploration: ABSTRACT
L. R. Denham
Geotectonic Evolution of Bering Sea Area, Alaska: ABSTRACT
David A. Desautels
Geology and Petroleum Potential of Saba Bank Area, Northeastern Caribbean: ABSTRACT
Jean-Marie Despretz, Thomas E. Daly, Edward Robinson
Depositional and Diagenetic History of Buda Limestone in Central Texas and Its Relationship to Petroleum Potential: ABSTRACT
Rodger L. Dickey
Geology of Canadian Arctic Basin: ABSTRACT
J. Dixon
Relationship of Temperature to Reservoir Quality for Feldspathic Sandstones of Southern California: ABSTRACT
S. A. Dixon, D. W. Kirkland
Predictive Depositional Models for Eolian Deposits of Leo Member of Minnelusa Formation, Powder River Basin, Eastern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Daniel D. Domeracki, Jon J. McClurg, John C. Horne
Recent Estuarine Deposits, Chesapeake Bay and Apalachicola Bay: ABSTRACT
Joseph F. Donoghue
Facies Characterization by Use of Well Logs; San Andres Formation (Permian), Hanford Field, Gaines County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Myron H. Dorfman, James Dupree
Oil Source Bed Distribution in Upper Tertiary of Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Wallace G. Dow
Stratigraphic Applications of Geologic Analysis System: ABSTRACT
T. S. Dyman, W. L. Materna, L. A. Wilcox
Role of Geologic Studies in Reservoir Modeling and Enhanced Oil Recovery: ABSTRACT
P. J. Ealey
Geomorphic Features off Southern California as Seen by GLORIA Side-Scan Sonar System: ABSTRACT
Brian D. Edwards, Michael E. Field, Paul R. Carlson, Neil H. Kenyon
Effect of Differential Subsidence in Growth-Faulted Regions on E-Log Patterns and Preservation Potential: ABSTRACT
Marc B. Edwards
Distinction of Glacial and Interglacial Cycles in Feni and Gardar Drifts, North Atlantic: ABSTRACT
Margaret R. Eggers, Robert Ehrlich
Exploration Potential of Paleozoic Rocks of Morocco: ABSTRACT
Robert Ehrlich, Haddou Jabour
Eocene Tidal Deposits, Northern San Diego County, California: ABSTRACT
Leonard I. Eisenberg, Patrick L. Abbott
Multiple Parallel Microstylolites and Early Diagenetic Pressure Solution in Chalk: ABSTRACT
A. A. Ekdale, R. G. Bromley
Initial Process of Rifting: ABSTRACT
Jack G. Elam
Depositional Controls on Production in San Andres Stratigraphic Traps, Southeastern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Laura Ann Elliott
Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Implications for Opening of Amerasian Basin: ABSTRACT
Ashton F. Embry
Evaluation of Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators Through Comparison of Compressional- and Shear-Wave Data: Case Study of Myrnam Gas Field, Alberta: ABSTRACT
Ross Alan Ensley
Eolian Paleotopographic Highs as Stratigraphic Traps: Origin and Distinction: ABSTRACT
Terence B. Eschner, Gary A. Kocurek
Preserved Aragonite Cements in Miocene Coral Reefs: a Record of Messinian Salinity Crises in Mediterranean: ABSTRACT
Mateu Esteban, D. R. Prezbindowski
Applications of Digital Terrain Data to Multisensor Image Analysis: ABSTRACT
Diane L. Evans, Leslie R. Schenck
Intimate Relationships: Growth Faulting and Diapirism in South Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Thomas G. Fails
Jurassic Salt Tectonism Within Mt. Enterprise Fault System, Rusk County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Jerry D. Ferguson
Hydrocarbon Migration and Diagenesis in Miocene Marine-Shelf Deposits: ABSTRACT
Ray E. Ferrell, Jr., Allison H. Drew
Practical Guide to Dipmeter Applications in Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Thomas H. Fett
Gas Hydrates Beneath Continental Slope off Northern California: ABSTRACT
Michael E. Field, Keith A. Kvenvolden
Salt Tectonics and Oil Accumulation in Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil: ABSTRACT
A. M. F. Figueiredo, M. J. Pereira, W. U. Mohriak, P. C. Gaglianone, L. A. F. Trinidade
Depositional Systems of a Tight Gas-Productive Barrier-Strandplain Sequence: Corcoran and Cozzette Sandstones, Northwest Colorado: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Finley, Lewis R. Ladwig
Coding, Storage, and Retrieval of Stratigraphic Data: FORTRAN Mapping Technique: ABSTRACT
Charles H. Fletcher, III
Evolutionary Importance and Economic Potential of Mesozoic Unconformities of Levant: ABSTRACT
A. Flexer, A. Livnat
Computer-Generated Graphic Displays of Commercial Production History and Reservoir Data: ABSTRACT
Richard L. Flores
Corsair Trend--Exploring for Deep Geopressured Gas, Middle Miocene, Offshore Texas: ABSTRACT
Billy S. Flowers
Siliciclastic-Carbonate Interactions in Laborcita Formation, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Sterling H. Fly, III
Diagenesis and Dolomitization in Triassic (Rhaetian) "Portoro" Limestone, Portovenere, Liguria, Italy: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Folk, Pamela A. Tiezzi
Controls of Bioclastic Turbidite Deposition in Eastern Muertos Trough-Northeast Caribbean Sea: ABSTRACT
G. M. Forsthoff, T. L. Holcombe
Quantitative Sedimentologic Application for Dipmeter Data: ABSTRACT
Marian J. Furst
Morphology of Central California Continental Margin, Revealed by Long-Range Side-Scan Sonar (GLORIA): ABSTRACT
James V. Gardner, David S. McCulloch, Stephen L. Eittreim, Douglas G. Masson
Prolific Overton Field Gas Reservoirs Within Large Transverse Oolite Shoals, Upper Jurassic Haynesville, Eastern Margin East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
William G. Glynn, Thomas E. Covington, Robin G. Lighty, Wayne M. Ahr
Gas Monitoring During Drilling Substantiates Hydrogen Occurrence and Eliminates Corrosion as Source: ABSTRACT
E. D. Goebel, R. M. Coveney, Jr., E. J. Zeller, E. E. Angino, G. A. M. Dreschhoff
Diagenesis in Upper Miocene Sandstones, Louisiana Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Paul B. Gold
Compactional Features in Cambro-Ordovician Carbonates of Central Appalachians and Their Significance: ABSTRACT
Robert K. Goldhammer, Lawrence A. Hardie, Chou Nguyen
Initiation and Reactivation of Proterozoic Aulacogen, Northern Mexico: ABSTRACT
Philip C. Goodell, R. Dyer, G. R. Keller
Carbonate Dissolution During Late-Burial Diagenesis of the Terumbu Limestone (Miocene), East Natuna Basin, South China Sea, Indonesia: ABSTRACT
George J. Grabowski, Jr., Robert M. Kick, Donald A. Yurewicz
Stratigraphic Dipmeter Interpretation--Fort Worth Basin Submarine-Slope Systems: ABSTRACT
L. M. Grace
Correlating Organic Facies and Turbidite Facies in a Hoh Turbidite Sequence (Miocene), Western Olympic Peninsula, Washington: ABSTRACT
Michael T. Grady
Diagenetic Destruction of Primary Reservoir Porosity in Viola Limestone, South-Central Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Michael G. Grammer
Implications of Offshore Northern Alaska Geology for Origin of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT
Arthur Grantz, Steven D. May
Paleoenvironmental and Diagenetic Analysis of Wichita Group, Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle: ABSTRACT
Mary L. Green
Fusselman-Cisco Play, Roosevelt Positive, Roosevelt and Curry Counties, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
W. R. Green, J. C. Schlueter, D. R. Glenn
Influence of Basement Islands and Ridges on Smackover Deposition, Southwest Alabama: ABSTRACT
Allen L. Greene
Facies Relationships and Diagenesis in Smackover Formation--Huxford Field, Southwest Alabama: ABSTRACT
Phillip G. Gregory
Cyclicity and Paleo-Environmental Dynamics of a 1.9 Ga Passive-Margin Carbonate Terrace, Wopmay Orogen, N.W.T.: ABSTRACT
John P. Grotzinger
Continuous Fracture Probability Determination as Applied to Monterey Formation: ABSTRACT
Greg Grove, Jeffery L. Whittaker
Crustal Rifting and Subsidence of Sirte Basin, Libya: a Mature Hydrocarbon Province: ABSTRACT
Yousef Gumati, S. Schamel, A. E. M. Nairn
Correlation of Illite Crystallinity and Thermal Maturity in Carboniferous Strata of Ouachita Mountains: ABSTRACT
John M. Guthrie, W. D. Johns, D. W. Houseknecht
Subcrop-Supracrop Play Concept: Example from Manitoba, Canada: ABSTRACT
Stephen P. Halabura, Beverley J. Hansen
Bahamas: Future Petroleum Province?: ABSTRACT
Michel T. Halbouty
Holocene Transgressive Stratigraphy and Sediment Dispersal, Eastern Shore, Nova Scotia: ABSTRACT
R. K. Hall, R. Boyd
Radiaxial Fibrous Calcite as Early-Burial, Open-System Cement: Isotopic Evidence from Permian of China: ABSTRACT
Robert B. Halley, Peter A. Scholle
Practical Use of Inverted Seismic Data: ABSTRACT
Gary Hamill
Application of Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling for Reservoir and Ore-Body Analysis: ABSTRACT
D. E. Hamilton, J. L. Marie, G. M. Moon, F. J. Moretti, W. P. Ryman, R. S. Didur
Geomorphic Features of Oregon-Washington Project EEZ-SCAN: ABSTRACT
Monty A. Hampton, Herman A. Karl, Neil H. Kenyon
Lacustrine Deposits in Rifted Deep Basins of Yellow Sea: ABSTRACT
Jong H. Han
Late Paleozoic Foreland Deformation in Northern Mexico: Paleogeographic and Tectonic Implications: ABSTRACT
James W. Handschy
Western Desert of Egypt: Geology and New Petroleum Exploration Concepts: ABSTRACT
G. Hantar, M. Alloui
Cambridge (UK) Arctic Shelf Programme Palinspastic Map Series: ABSTRACT
Brian Harland
Carbonate-Cement Stratigraphy of Burlington Limestone (Osagean) of Iowa: Evidence for Eh Gradients in a Regional Mississippian Paleogroundwater System: ABSTRACT
David C. Harris, William J. Meyers
Sodium Distribution in Eocene Dolomites from Castle Hayne Limestone, North Carolina: ABSTRACT
W. Burleigh Harris, Gerald R. Baum, Paul E. Drez
Petrology, Stratigraphy, and Depositional Environments of Burnt Bluff Group in Michigan: ABSTRACT
William B. Harrison, III, Kayleen Jalkut
Sedimentary Basin Thermal Histories Through 40Ar/39Ar Analysis of Detrital Microcline: ABSTRACT
T. Mark Harrison
Porosity Evolution and Diagenesis of Smackover Grainstones, Bryan's Mill Area, East Texas: ABSTRACT
Gill M. Harwood
Structural Characteristics and Evolution of Vicksburg Formation: Javelina and East McCook Fields, Hidalgo County, Texas: ABSTRACT
John O. Hastings, Jr.
Thermal and Hydrocarbon Maturation Models for Coastal California: ABSTRACT
Henry P. Heasler, Ronald C. Surdam
Origin of High-Permeability Reservoirs in Upper Minnelusa Sandstone (Permian) Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT
K. P. Helmold, R. G. Loucks
Joint Geosat-NASA/JPL Test Case Program: Field Evaluation of Future Geological Satellite Remote-Sensing Systems: ABSTRACT
F. B. Henderson
Reservoir Characteristics of Lower Wilcox Sandstones, Lobo Trend, Webb and Zapata Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Kim A. Henke
Deposition and Diagenesis of Flippen Limestone (Wolfcampian), Fisher and Jones Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Gary R. Henningsen
Crystallographic Influences on Pressure Solution in a Quartzose Sandstone: ABSTRACT
Brian D. Hicks, David W. Houseknecht, Kenneth R. Applin
Evaluation of Potential Hydrocarbon Sources in Lacustrine Facies of Newark Supergroup, Eastern United States: ABSTRACT
Lee R. High, Jr.
Regional Geology of Georges Bank Basin--OCS Sale 42 Drilling Results: ABSTRACT
Lee R. High, Jr.
Eocene Euthecosomatous Pteropoda (Gastropoda) of North America: ABSTRACT
Kenneth A. Hodgkinson, Allan W. H. Be, Christopher Garvie
Secondary Porosity in Miocene Sandstones of Louisiana Gulf Coast and Its Significance in Reservoir Properties: ABSTRACT
Michael D. Hogg
Geostatistical Analysis of Devonian Shale Production in Southwestern West Virginia: ABSTRACT
Michael Ed Hohn, Donald W. Neal
Mechanisms of Deposition of a Carbonate Mud Spit: Ramshorn Spit, Eastern Florida Bay: ABSTRACT
Valerie Holliday, James M. Parks
Tidal-Inlet Fills as Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Example from Halfway Formation, Alberta: ABSTRACT
John C. Horne, Clarence V. Campbell, Sarah K. Odland
Fan-Delta Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Example from Utikuma-Nipisi Fields, Alberta: ABSTRACT
John C. Horne, Chris L. Reel, Clarence V. Campbell
Effects of Abnormal Flooding Events on Microbial Mat Communities and Aragonitic Stromatolites, Laguna Mormona, Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Horodyski
Effectiveness of Offshore Three-Dimensional Seismic Surveys: Case Histories: ABSTRACT
P. S. Horvath
Seabed Features Caused by Shallow Gas in North Sea: ABSTRACT
M. Hovland
Seismic Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Studies of Paleogene Sediments, Eastern Coastal Region, China: ABSTRACT
Huaida Hsu
Abnormal Formation Pressure of Qaidam Basin and Its Cause: ABSTRACT
Baoquin Hua, Lin Xixiang
Relationship of Structural Development and Cenozoic Sedimentation, Northern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
C. C. Humphris, Jr.
Origin of Laminae in Holocene-Pleistocene Evaporitic Sequence of Salt-Flat Playas, West Texas and New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Mahbub Hussain, John K. Warren
Triassic/Jurassic Faulting Patterns of Conecuh Ridge, Southwest Alabama: ABSTRACT
Janet Kamon Hutley
Depositional Environment of Lower Permian Stone Corral Formation: ABSTRACT
A. K. Hylton, D. F. Merriam
Mechanical Analysis of Salt Dome Growth in East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
Frank Irwin, Raymond C. Fletcher
Modeling Thermal Evolution and Petroleum Potential of Basins Formed by Extension: ABSTRACT
Dale R. Issler, Chris Beaumont
Influence of Pressure, Salinity, Temperature, and Grain Size on Silica Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality in Quartzose Sandstones: ABSTRACT
W. C. James, E. W. Porter
Time-Transgressive Neogene Radiolarian Events: Equatorial Indian and Pacific Oceans: ABSTRACT
David A. Johnson, Catherine A. Nigrini
Reconstruction of Deformed North Pyrenean Basin: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey A. Johnson
Carbonate to Siliciclastic Transitional Facies in Tectonic Delta Complex--Basal Upper Devonian of East-Central New York State: ABSTRACT
Kenneth G. Johnson
Age of Douglas Creek Arch, Colorado and Utah: ABSTRACT
Ronald C. Johnson, Thomas M. Finn
Origin, Migration, and Accumulation of Petroleum in Thick Cenozoic Delta Systems: ABSTRACT
R. W. Jones
Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling for Exploration and Reservoir Analysis: ABSTRACT
Thomas A. Jones
Holocene Carbonate Facies of Pulau Seribu Patch-Reef Complex, West Java Sea: ABSTRACT
Clifton F. Jordan, Jr., Richard J. Wharton, Rufus E. Cook
Carbonate Facies and Landsat Imagery of Shelf Off Belize, Central America: ABSTRACT
Clifton F. Jordan, Jr., Walter C. Pusey, III, Robert C. Belcher, Robert L. Borger
North African Geology: Exploration Matrix for Potential Major Hydrocarbon Discoveries: ABSTRACT
W. H. Kanes, Thomas E. O'Connor
Role of Minerals in Generation and Release of Hydrocarbons: ABSTRACT
I. R. Kaplan
High-Resolution Seismic Data of Atlantic Margin Basement: ABSTRACT
John F. Karlo
Sedimentary Features and Soil-Like Fabrics in Cycles of Upper Lockatong Formation, Neward Supergroup (Upper Triassic), New Jersey and Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT
Samuel B. Katz, Joseph P. Smoot
Near-Surface and Burial Diagenesis of Mississippian Burlington and Keokuk Formations: ABSTRACT
Jonathan Kaufman, Harris Cander, William J. Meyers
Structural Relations Between Marfa, Marathon, Val Verde, and Delaware Basins of West Texas: ABSTRACT
G. R. Keller, K. J. Smith
Neotectonics, Sea Level Change, and Quaternary Natural Gas Occurrence in Coastal Maine: ABSTRACT
Joseph T. Kelly, Daniel F. Belknap, Craig R. Shipp
Disrupted Carbonate Hardgrounds in Shallow Carbonate-Shelf Sediments: Origin and Setting of Tepees and Their Associated Fabrics: ABSTRACT
Christopher G. Kendall, John K. Warren
Estimating Unconformity Thicknesses from Vitrinite Reflectance Data: ABSTRACT
C. G. St. C. Kendall, Ian Lerche
Seismic Expression of Catastrophic Slope Failure: Lower Cretaceous Torok Formation, North Slope of Alaska: ABSTRACT
Ralph S. Kerr
Low to Intermediate Subsurface Temperatures Calculated by Chemical Geothermometers: ABSTRACT
Yousif K. Kharaka, Daniel J. Specht, William W. Carothers
Sketching Cross Sections with a Portable Microcomputer: ABSTRACT
Michael M. Kimberley
Regional Cement Stratigraphy and Diagenetic History of Waulsortian Limestones, Eastern Midlands, Republic of Ireland: ABSTRACT
David E. King, William J. Meyers
Algeria: Structural Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of a Complicated Tectonic Province: ABSTRACT
H. W. Knudsen
Downslope Transportation of Metalliferous Sediments Along East Pacific Rise During Messinian: ABSTRACT
Stephen Knuttel, Sherwood W. Wise, Jr., David K. Rea
Eolian Reservoir Characteristics Predicted from Dune Type: ABSTRACT
Gary Kocurek, Jamie Nielson
Impact of Stylolites on Carbonate Reservoir Continuity: Example from Middle East: ABSTRACT
Richard B. Koepnick
Controls on Porosity and Dolomite Distribution in Upper Smackover Formation (Upper Jurassic), Southwestern Alabama and Western Florida: ABSTRACT
Richard B. Koepnick, David E. Eby, Keith C. King
Modern Analog for Deep-Water Deposition of Shallow-Water Pliocene Sands, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Barry Kohl
Texture and Reservoir Potential of Micritized Ooids: ABSTRACT
David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Depositional Environments and Sedimentology of Vinita Beds, Richmond Basin, Virginia: ABSTRACT
I. E. Kornfeld
Depositional Environments and Hydrocarbon Occurrence of Upper Jurassic Cotton Valley Sandstones, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas: ABSTRACT
Itzchak E. Kornfeld
Fine-Grained Sediments of an Interdistributary Basin, Mississippi Delta: ABSTRACT
Elisabeth C. Kosters, Alan Bailey
Using Paleosols to Elucidate Episodic Sedimentation in Alluvial Rocks: ABSTRACT
Mary J. Kraus
Puerto Rico Trench: Site of a Shallow-Water Tertiary Basin and Regional Tectonic Implications: ABSTRACT
Edward A. Krieg, Arthur A. Meyerhoff, Irfan Taner
Expert System for Computer Interpretation of Beach and Nearshore Facies: ABSTRACT
Katherine B. Krystinik, Edward Clifton
Impact of Early Diagenesis of Eolian Reservoirs, Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Lee F. Krystinik, Sarah Andrews, Steven G. Fryberger
Source Rock Characteristics, Los Molles and Vaca Muerta Shales, Neuquen Basin, West-Central Argentina: ABSTRACT
Ralph L. Kugler
Geochemical Conditions in Sediment Containing Gas Hydrates of Active and Passive Continental Margins: ABSTRACT
Keith A. Kvenvolden
Benthic Foraminiferal Biofacies in Stevens Sandstone: Relationships to Water-Mass Oxygen Levels in Late Miocene San Joaquin Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Martin B. Lagoe
Stratigraphic Significance of Uvigerinid Foraminifers in Western Hemisphere: ABSTRACT
James L. Lamb, Theo H. Miller
Depositional Facies and Diagenetic Fabrics of Falmouth Formation (Upper Pleistocene), Jamaica: ABSTRACT
Dana C. Larson
Geomorphic Indicators of Deeper Seated Structure on the Southern Margin, East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
David Lemons
Processes Involved in Salt-Dome Development I: Dynamic Effects: ABSTRACT
I. Lerche, J. J. O'Brien
Processes Involved in Salt-Dome Development II: Thermal, Gravitational, and Chemical Effects: ABSTRACT
I. Lerche, J. J. O'Brien
Sources and Distribution of Upper Pleistocene Sand, Eastern United States Atlantic Shelf: ABSTRACT
P. Leschak, D. Prusak, J. Mazzullo
Deep-Water Hydrocarbon Potential of Georges Bank Trough: ABSTRACT
Donald S. Levie
Major Discoveries in Eolian Sandstone: Facies Distribution and Stratigraphy of Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone, Mobile Bay, Alabama: ABSTRACT
Joel B. Levy
New Evidence Suggesting Segmentation of Cocos Plate: ABSTRACT
L. R. Lew, R. P. Sauermann, J. De Boer
Lithostratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy of Catskill-Pocono Delta, Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian, Northern West Virginia: ABSTRACT
J. Scott Lewis, Alan C. Donaldson
Diffusion of Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons Through Pore Space of Sedimentary Rocks: Its Recognition, Quantitation, and Geologic Significance: ABSTRACT
D. Leythaeuser, R. G. Schaefer, A. Yukler
Maturity Anomalies, Fluid Flow, and Permeability Preservation in Frio and Anahuac Formations, Upper Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Malcolm P. R. Light
Fluid and Rock Interaction in Permeable Volcanic Rock: ABSTRACT
J. Ione Lindley
Madison Group (Mississippian) Reservoir Facies of Williston Basin, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Lindsay
Reservoir Geology of Portion of Sailor Springs Consolidated Field and Its Impact on Primary and Secondary Production: ABSTRACT
John B. Lizak, Jr.
Beach-Swash Zone: Primary Ooid Factory?: ABSTRACT
R. Michael Lloyd, Ronald D. Perkins, S. Duff Kerr
Carbonate Structural and Stratigraphic Trap with a Diagenetic Twist: West Purt Field, East Texas: ABSTRACT
Anthony J. Lomando
Oil-Productive Miocene Algal and Sea Grass Carbonate Mudbanks, South Sumatra, Indonesia: ABSTRACT
Mark W. Longman, L. R. Beddoes, Jr.
Southern Appalachian Thrust Model: ABSTRACT
John A. Lopez
Morphologic Variations of Calcite Crystals in Waterfall Travertine Deposits, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Karen M. Love, Henry S. Chafetz
Sedimentation Dynamics About Salt Features: ABSTRACT
Allen Lowrie, Donna Wells Blake
Seismic Stratigraphy, Pleistocene Climate, and Tertiary Sea Level Changes: ABSTRACT
Allen Lowrie
Effect of Biological Markers and Kerogens in Geochemical Exploration for Oil and Gas: ABSTRACT
Song Nian Lu, Li Wei Min, Gu Hui Min, Gao Pin Wen
Distribution of Dolomite in Deep Marine Sediments as Function of Time: ABSTRACT
David N. Lumsden
Fibrous Calcium Sulfate in Veins: ABSTRACT
Hans-G. Machel
Geology of Fulmar Oil Field, United Kingdom Sector, Central North Sea: ABSTRACT
Thomas A. Mackay, Howard D. Johnson
Fracture Permeability and High Initial Water Cut in a Carbonate Gas Reservoir: ABSTRACT
Richard P. Major
Valencia Fan (Northwestern Mediterranean): Channelized Distal Deposition Fan Variant: ABSTRACT
A. Maldonado, H. Got, A. Monaco, S. O'Connell, L. Mirabile
Upper Jurassic Norphlet Eolian Dune, Wadi, and Marine Petroleum Reservoirs, Central and Eastern Gulf of Mexico Regions: ABSTRACT
Ernest A. Mancini, Robert M. Mink, Bennett L. Bearden
Depositional and Postdepositional History of Stuart City Member, Edwards Limestone (Lower Cretaceous), Washburn Ranch Field, LaSalle County, Texas.: ABSTRACT
W. L. Manger, W. R. Rice, J. I. Hogue, III, S. L. Hokett
Petrology and Porosity of Devonian Misener Formation, West Kremlin Field, Garfield County, North-Central Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Charles F. Mansfield, Curtis E. Breckon
Penecontemporaneous Facies Relations in Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Deltas of Southwestern Indiana: ABSTRACT
Christopher G. Maples, Allen W. Archer
Bathymetric Distribution of Foraminifera in Jamaican Reef Environments: ABSTRACT
Ronald E. Martin, David Liddell
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Mississippian Orogenic Sediments, East-Central Nevada: Proposed Solution to a Paradox: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Mason
Role of Microcomputer Geologic Work Station in Exploration: Case Study: ABSTRACT
Geoffrey W. Mathews
High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy of North Carolina Continental Margin, Cape Fear Terrace: Sea Level Cyclicity, Paleobathymetry, and Gulf Stream Dynamics: ABSTRACT
Thomas D. Matteucci, Albert C. Hine, Stephen W. Snyder, Stanley Riggs
Sources and Distribution of Late Pleistocene Sand, Northern Gulf of Mexico Shelf: ABSTRACT
J. M. Mazzullo, C. Bates, D. Reutter, K. Withers
Significance of Eolian Quartzose Sheet Sands on Emergent Carbonate Shelves: Permian of West Texas-New Mexico: ABSTRACT
S. J. Mazzullo, Jim Mazzullo, Paul M. Harris
Complex-Mixing Dolomitization of Supratidal Deposits, Ambergris Cay, Belize, Central America: ABSTRACT
S. J. Mazzullo, A. M. Reid
Evolution and Stratigraphy of a Sandy Tidal-Flat Complex Within a Mesotidal Embayment: ABSTRACT
C. Y. McCants, G. A. Zarillo
Seismic Prediction of Pore Fluid and Gas Thickness: ABSTRACT
C. J. McCarthy
Burial Thermal Histories, Vitrinite Reflectance, and Laumontite Isograd: ABSTRACT
Thane H. McCulloh, J. J. Fan
Recent Armored Mudballs Associated with a Mudflow, Egan Range, Eastern Nevada: ABSTRACT
Ronald R. McDowell, Jay E. Valusek
Hydrodynamic Systems of Orthoconic Nautiloid Cephalopods: Independent Check on Phylogeny: ABSTRACT
Veronica McFarland
Depositional Facies, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality of Ivishak Sandstone (Sadlerochit Group), Prudhoe Bay Field: ABSTRACT
J. H. McGowen, S. Bloch
Continental Slope Morphology in Northern Gulf of Mexico Mapped with Long-Range (GLORIA) Side-Scan Data: ABSTRACT
B. A. McGregor, L. E. Garrison, N. H. Kenyon
Near-Surface Methane Anomaly over Shallow Foley Gas Field, Baldwin County, Alabama: ABSTRACT
Richard D. McIver, Richard W. McIver, David W. McIver
Migration and Maturation of Hydrocarbons--Evidence from Fluid Inclusions: ABSTRACT
R. K. McLimans
Petroleum Resources of North American Arctic Basins: ABSTRACT
N. J. McMillan
Late Tectonic History of Beaufort Sea-North Pacific Area: ABSTRACT
J. Ross H. McWhae
Regional Paleogeography and Habitat of Hydrocarbons in Ouachita Foredeep Basins: ABSTRACT
Larry Meckel, Dave Smith, Leon Wells
Quantitative Shape Analysis of Carbonate Sands by Use of Contour Registration and Template Matching: ABSTRACT
Martin E. Mengel, James M. Parks
Application of Structures Mapped from Landsat Imagery to Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps in Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT
I. S. Merin, R. C. Michael
Application of Landsat Imagery to Hydrocarbon Exploration in Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin: ABSTRACT
I. S. Merin, W. R. Moore
Sedimentation and Tectonic Implications of Cambrian-Ordovician Clastics, Renville County, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
Paul K. Mescher, James C. Pol
Feldspar Diagenesis in Neogene Sediments, Northern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
K. L. Milliken, P. B. Gold, L. S. Land
Reservoir Description Applied to Iatan East Howard Field, Mitchell County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Stephen M. Mitchell
Quaternary Eustatic Sedimentary Accretion of Southern Bahamas Archpelago: ABSTRACT
Steven W. Mitchell
Potential Geologic Hazards of North Aleutian Shelf, Bristol Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Bruce F. Molnia, William C. Schwab
Shelf Storm-Deposited Sandstones, Upper Mancos Shale, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Melissa J. Montz, Dag Nummedal, Don Swift
Upper Jurassic of East Texas, a Stratigraphic Sedimentologic Reevaluation: ABSTRACT
Clyde H. Moore, Kathy McGillis, Sara Stewart, Scott Wilkinson, Gillian Harwood
Organic Facies and Petroleum Potential of Eastern North American Margin: ABSTRACT
George T. Moore, R. W. Jones
Significance of EOM/TOC Ratios in Identifying Possible Migration Fairways, NPRA, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Leonard V. Moore
Reexamination of Middle Eocene Genus Cubitostrea Based on Collections from Central Virginia Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT
Christina C. Morrell
Exploration Applications Through Remote Sensing of Ice-Wedge Polygons: ABSTRACT
Joann Mossa
Williston Basin Seislog Study: ABSTRACT
R. C. Mummery
Use of Seislog for Basin Evaluation and Field Development: ABSTRACT
R. C. Mummery
Recognition of Paleosilcretes: Example from North Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Murray
Shelf Sedimentation Across Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary: Chapel Island Formation, Southeastern Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
Paul Myrow
Fission-Track Dating and Its Application to Thermal History of Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
Nancy D. Naeser, Charles W. Naeser
In-Situ Rock/Water Geochemistry of Holocene Radial and Tangential Ooid Sediment, Baffin Bay, Texas: ABSTRACT
Douglas G. Neese, John D. Pigott
Reconciliation of Measurement Differences Observed from Seismic, Well Logs, and VSP: ABSTRACT
E. B. Neitzel, T. K. Kan
Continental Shelf Sediment Transport, Northeastern South Carolina: ABSTRACT
Douglas D. Nelson
Porosity Evolution in Salem Limestone (Mississippian) of South-Central Indiana: ABSTRACT
Morgan R. Newton
Depositional Facies Mosaics and Their Time Lines in Lower Ordovician Carbonates of Central Appalachians: ABSTRACT
Chau T. Nguyen, Robert K. Goldhammer, Lawrence A. Hardie
Mesozoic (Early Cretaceous) Radiolarians from Northwest Atlantic, DSDP Hole 534A: ABSTRACT
Randy Niebuhr, Hsin Yi Ling
Recognition of Unconformity-Sourced Aquifer Cements and Later Burial Cements, Mississippian Newman Limestone, Kentucky: ABSTRACT
J. C. Niemann, J. F. Read
Stromatoporoid-Algal-Facies Hydrocarbon Traps in Upper Devonian (Fammenian) Wabamun Group, North-Central Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT
D. K. Nishida, J. W. Murray, C. W. Stearn
Accumulation of Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic Muds on Continental Shelf of Eastern Spain: ABSTRACT
Charles A. Nittrouer, Bruce E. Bergenback, David J. Demaster, Stephen A. Kuehl
Economic Analysis of American Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Thomas Noll
Comparison Between Immature Vitrinite and Solid Bitumen, Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Vito F. Nuccio
Channel Sand Bodies in Lower Mississippi Fan: ABSTRACT
Suzanne O'Connell, John B. Anderson
North African Petroleum Geology: Regional Structure and Stratigraphic Overview of a Hydrocarbon-Rich Cratonic Area: ABSTRACT
Thomas E. O'Connor, W. H. Kanes
Fluid Inclusion Study of Diagenetic Mineral Phases, Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Southwest Arkansas and Northeast Texas: ABSTRACT
Terrence C. O'Hearn, Clyde H. Moore
Wilcox Depth Prediction at Katy Field, Waller County, Texas: Problem and Solution: ABSTRACT
A. M. Olander
Exhumed Shoreface and Tidal-Delta Complexes in Lower Cretaceous Ferron Delta (Central Utah): ABSTRACT
C. R. Ossian
Late Quaternary Seismic Stratigraphy of a Shallow Marine Estuary, Corpus Christi Bay, Texas: ABSTRACT
Douglass E. Owen, John C. West
Cambrian Trilobites with Siberian Affinities, Southwestern Alaska: ABSTRACT
A. R. Palmer, R. M. Egbert, R. Sullivan, J. S. Knoth
Fluvial Sand Shapes: Effects of Tributary Mixing: ABSTRACT
James M. Parks
Paleopedogenesis in Lower Cretaceous Hensel Formation, Central Texas: ABSTRACT
J. H. Payne
Timing of Syntaxial Cement: ABSTRACT
Ronald D. Perkins
Recognition of Two Distinctive Diagenetic Facies Trends as Aid to Hydrocarbon Exploration in Deeply Buried Jurassic Smackover Carbonates of Southern Alabama and Southern Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Dusty Peters
Visual Kerogen Assessment of Thermal History: ABSTRACT
Neil F. Petersen, Patrick J. Hickey
Geochemical Investigation of Australian and New Zealand Crude Oils: ABSTRACT
R. P. Philp, T. D. Gilbert
Emplacement Mechanism and Trapping Potential of Gravity-Driven Allochthons: ABSTRACT
Reese B. Pinney
Geochemistry of an Insular Phosphate Deposit, Nauru, Equatorial Pacific: ABSTRACT
David Piper, Paul Aharon, Benny Loebner
Log-Analysis Problems Associated with Bimodal Pore System, Interlake Formation, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
S. B. Pluim, P. G. Painter, E. J. Bucher, A. L. Chaky
Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous Sedimentary Facies of New Jersey Continental Slope and Rise: ABSTRACT
Wylie C. Poag
Early Diagenetic History of Late Pennsylvanian Calclithite Beds, Hueco Mountains, El Paso County, Texas: ABSTRACT
James C. Pol
Environmental Significance of Evaporitic Textures of Mississippian Mission Canyon Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota: ABSTRACT
James C. Pol, Paul K. Mescher
Exploration Applications of a Transgressive Tidal-Flats Model to Mississippian Midale Carbonates, Eastern Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Lorna A. Porter, Fred S. Reid
Provincial Variations in Cap Rock Source Materials of Gulf Coast Salt Domes: ABSTRACT
Harry H. Posey, Stephen D. Hurst, J. Richard Kyle, Peter E. Price, Arnold R. Taylor
Seismic Structure and Stratigraphy of Eastern New York-Western Vermont: ABSTRACT
Paul J. Post, Donald L. Taff
Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Structural Development, Hydrocarbon Migration, and Accumulation: ABSTRACT
Johann-Christian Pratsch
Examples, Causes, and Consequences of Vitrinite Reflectance Suppression in Hydrogen-Rich Organic Matter--a Major Unrecognized Problem: ABSTRACT
Leigh C. Price
Controls on Pennsylvanian Algal-Mound Distribution in Mid-Continent North America: ABSTRACT
Rex C. Price, John C. Mitchell, Robert L. Ravn
Petrology of Middle Jurassic Twin Creek Limestone, Lincoln and Sublette Counties, Southwestern Wyoming: ABSTRACT
David R. Raubvogel, Peter T. Kolesar
Subsurface Geology and Paleodepositional Environments of Pleistocene Trend; South High Island and South Galveston Area--a Regional Evaluation: ABSTRACT
Pulak K. Ray, Donald R. Newsom, Gregory Klocek, Taylor Blood
Structural Control on Molasse Sedimentation: Example of Siwalik Group of Northern Pakistan: ABSTRACT
Robert G. H. Raynolds, Gary D. Johnson
Evolution of Cambrian-Ordovician Carbonate Shelf, United States Appalachians: ABSTRACT
Fred J. Read
Igneous Intrusions in Porous Sandstone Sequences--Widespread Thermal Effects Measured by Fission Track Annealing and Vitrinite Reflectance: ABSTRACT
S. A. Reeckmann, I. R. Duddy, A. J. Gleadow
Chin Coulee Field--a Stratigraphic Trap in Lower Cretaceous Fluvial Valley-Fill Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Christopher L. Reel, Clarence V. Campbell
Processes of Sedimentation Associated with Fault-Controlled Trough Across a Shelf: ABSTRACT
M. N. Rees
Gas Compositions in a Well Column: ABSTRACT
R. H. Reitsema
Resistivity Curves from Complex Reservoirs: Under-Utilized Tools for Exploration and Production Geologists: ABSTRACT
Lowell W. Revett, Brian E. Lock
Thermal Transformation of Smectite to Illite: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Reynolds, Jr.
Character and Origin of Natural Gases from Wattenberg Area, Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Dudley D. Rice, Charles N. Threlkeld
Recognition of Anhydrite Dissolution--A Cause of Secondary Porosity in Two Petroleum Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Randall W. Richardson, Christopher J. Schenk
Mixed Siliciclastic and Carbonate Sedimentation Within Spar Mountain Member of Ste. Genevieve Limestone, Hamilton County, Illinois: ABSTRACT
Michael J. Roberts, Wayne A. Pryor
Trenton Formation in New York, a Computer-Aided Study: ABSTRACT
Joseph E. Robinson
Exploration Concepts for Syntectonic Sediments of Triassic and Jurassic Age along Northern and Eastern Rim of Gulf of Mexico Basin: ABSTRACT
Donald A. Rodgers, Richard P. Wilkerson, Michael W. Putnam
Barrier-Bar System in Cerro Negro, Orinoco Petroliferous Belt, Venezuela, and Its Implication in Oil Exploration and Exploitation: ABSTRACT
Argenis Rodriguez
Dolomitization of Fossiliferous Siliciclastic Sediments in Salisbury Embayment: ABSTRACT
Michael R. Rosen, G. R. Holdren
Early-Diagenetic Sheet-Crack Cements of Guadalupian Shelf, Yates and Tansill Formations, New Mexico--a Field and Chemical Study: ABSTRACT
Mark Rosenblum
Cyrenaican Platform: Structure, Stratigraphy, and Exploration Play Concepts: ABSTRACT
Carolyn M. Ross, M. N. Zegaar
Shoreline, Grain-Size, and Total-Carbon Distribution Changes Before and After Hurricane Alicia, Galveston Island, Texas, 1983: ABSTRACT
Christine M. Rothammer, Lowell R. Morrison, Steven L. Warkentin
North America-Greenland-Eurasian Relative Motions: Implications for Circum-Arctic Tectonic Reconstructions: ABSTRACT
D. B. Rowley, A. L. Lottes, A. M. Ziegler
South China Sea Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential: New Geological and Geophysical Constraints: ABSTRACT
Ke Ru, John D. Pigott
Facies and Geochemical Characterization of Mississippian Rocks in Palo Duro and Hardeman Basins, Texas: ABSTRACT
Stephen C. Ruppel
Pore Size Distributions by Analysis of Back-Scattered Electron and Fluorescence Images: ABSTRACT
Kenneth Ruzyla
Paleozoic Producing Sequences in Ghadames Basin of Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria: New Stratigraphic Concepts for Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT
F. M. Said, W. H. Kanes
Marine Diagenesis on Enewetak Atoll: ABSTRACT
Arthur H. Saller
Computer Mapping of Silurian Pinnacle Reefs in Northern Michigan: ABSTRACT
John M. Sappington, F. B. Davies
Thermal History of Sandstones and Shales: Oxygen Isotope and K/Ar Evidence: ABSTRACT
Samuel M. Savin, Mingchou Lee, James L. Aronson
Crust Type and Structure, Northern Gulf of Mexico: an Ocean Bottom Seismograph-Air Gun Seismic Transect: ABSTRACT
D. S. Sawyer, Y. Nakamura, W. O'Brien, J. Ebeniro
Micropaleontology, Textural and Isotopic Characteristics of Turbidites on Continental Slope and Rise off Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
Charles T. Schafer, David B. Scott
Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospects of Tunisia-Sicily Shelf: ABSTRACT
Steven Schamel, Habib Lazreg, Kenneth Ciriacks
Structural Style, Stratigraphic Variability, and Hydrocarbon Traps in Gulf of Suez: ABSTRACT
Martin Schuepbach, Steven Schamel, Stephen K. Perry, Donald U. Wise
Remote Detection of Anomalous Mineralogy Associated with Hydrocarbon Production, Lisbon Valley, Utah: ABSTRACT
D. B. Segal, M. D. Ruth, I. S. Merin, H. Watanabe, K. Soda, O. Takano, M. Sano
Lockhart Crossing Field: New Wilcox Trend in Southeastern Louisiana : ABSTRACT
Gregory A. Self, S. Q. Breard, Howard P. Rael, Jeffrey A. Stein, Martin O. Traugott, William D. Easom
Growth Movement of Citronelle Dome and Its Genetic Relationship to Other Salt Structures in Southern Mississippi Salt Basin: an Approach in Computer Applications: ABSTRACT
Gregory A. Self, Robert W. Pierce
Petroleum Reservoirs in Silurian Dolomite of Western Illinois: ABSTRACT
Beverly Seyler
Glacial Cycles, Hydrocarbon Generation and Salt Tectonics on Louisiana Slope: ABSTRACT
Frank R. Shaffer, Allen Lowrie
Is Turbidite Facies Association Scheme Valid for Interpreting Ancient Submarine-Fan Environments?: ABSTRACT
Ganapathy Shanmugam, John E. Damuth, Richard J. Moiola
Anisotropic Permeability, Eolian Lyons Sandstone: ABSTRACT
R. G. Shepherd
Bahamian Whitings--No Fish Story: ABSTRACT
Eugene A. Shinn, Randolph P. Steinen, Barbara H. Lidz, Robert B. Halley
Carbon Isotopic Composition of Amazon Shelf Sediments: ABSTRACT
William J. Showers, D. G. Angle, C. A. Nittrouer, D. J. Demaster
Seismic Expression of Structural Features on Landsat Lineaments: an Example from Denver Basin: ABSTRACT
George W. Shurr, John T. Jenkins Jr., Daniel M. Likarish
Chronostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of Paleogene Formations in Eastern Gulf Coastal Province: ABSTRACT
William G. Siesser
Recognition of a Thin Stratigraphic Trap by Seismic Reflection Character Analysis: ABSTRACT
Roger M. Slatt, Kathe Lighty, John Robinson
Carbonate Cements in Sandstones--Mineralogy and Chemical Composition: ABSTRACT
Evan S. Slow, Robert Anderhalt
Decade of Exploration in Deep Lower Tuscaloosa Gas Trend in Southern Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Guy W. Smith
Petroleum Potential and Stratigraphy of Holitna Basin, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Thomas N. Smith, James G. Clough, John F. Meyer, Robert B. Blodgett
Bottom Currents During Early Winter on South Texas Continental Shelf: Implications for Shelf Sediment Transport: ABSTRACT
John W. Snedden, Anthony F. Amos, Dag Nummedal
Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of Navarin Basin, Bering Sea, Alaska: ABSTRACT
David A. Steffy
Status of Underground Coal Gasification: ABSTRACT
D. R. Stephens, R. W. Hill, I. Y. Borg
Basic Two-Dimensional Model for Thrust-Fold Oil-Field Structures of Rocky Mountain Foreland: ABSTRACT
Donald S. Stone
The Geologist in Space: Apollo, Shuttle, and Beyond: ABSTRACT
Kathryn Sullivan
Petroleum and Source-Rock Potential of Eagle Ford Group (Upper Cretaceous), East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
Milton A. Surles, Jr.
Plate Tectonic Contest in North Greenland: ABSTRACT
Finn Surlyk
Trinity Shoal: a Reworked Deltaic Barrier on Louisiana Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
John R. Suter, Shea Penland, Thomas F. Moslow
Canada Basin: Age and History of Its Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
J. F. Sweeney
Late Tertiary Sediment Basin on Continental Slope off Western Nova Scotia: ABSTRACT
Stephen A. Swift
Role of Minerals in Formation of Hydrocarbons During Pyrolysis of Organic Matter--a Material Balance Approach: ABSTRACT
Eli Tannenbaum, Bradley J. Huizinga, Isaac R. Kaplan
Oligocene Vicksburg Sandstones of TCB Field--a South Texas Diagenetic "Jambalaya": ABSTRACT
Dennis A. Taylor, Zuhair Al-Shaieb
Heavy-Mineral Distribution Along Coastline of Ghana, West Africa: ABSTRACT
Stephen M. Testa, Benjamin N. Akpati
Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality, Matagorda Island 623 Field, Offshore Texas: ABSTRACT
Paul A. Thayer
Nature of Secondary Porosity Created by Dissolution of Aluminum Silicates: ABSTRACT
Alan Thomson, R. K. Stoessell
Occurrences of Sphalerite in Reservoir Rocks of North Texas and Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Thomas T. Tieh
Spectrum of Ancient Shelf Sandstones: ABSTRACT
R. W. Tillman
Cincinnatian Series--Model for Cyclic and Episodic Deposition of Carbonates and Shales on a Storm-Dominated Ramp: ABSTRACT
Rick C. Tobin, Wayne A. Pryor
Reservoir Development in Ellenburger Group of West Texas--a Diagenetic Jambalaya: ABSTRACT
Rick C. Tobin
Diagenesis of Miocene Gas Sands in Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand: ABSTRACT
A. S. Trevena, R. A. Clark
Origin and Diagenesis of Beachrock, Discovery Bay, Jamaica: ABSTRACT
Nancy I. Trumbly, John D. Pigott
Fluid Inclusions and Porosity Development in Arun Gas Field, Indonesia: ABSTRACT
Tien-Fung Tsui, Clifton F. Jordan
Facies Architecture and Production Characteristics of Wave-Dominated Deltaic Reservoir, Big Wells Field, Southern Texas: ABSTRACT
Noel Tyler, William A. Ambrose
Textural Evidence for Origin of Salt Dome Anhydrite Cap Rocks, Winnfield Dome, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Mark R. Ulrich, J. Richard Kyle, Peter E. Price
Reexamination of Bengal Fan Model for Turbidites of Frontal Ouachitas: ABSTRACT
Michael B. Underwood
Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironment of Morrowan (Zone 2) Brachiopoda, Bird Spring Group, Arrow Canyon, Clark County, Nevada: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Vaiden, Ralph L. Langenheim, Jr.
New Developments in Microphotometry of Kerogen and Bitumen at Various Stages of Thermal Maturity and Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT
Pieter Van Gijzel
Organic Indicators of Thermal Maturity, a Review: ABSTRACT
Pieter Van Gijzel
Foraminiferal Paleoenvironments and Biostratigraphy of Eocene Nanjemoy Formation, Virginia and Maryland: ABSTRACT
S. Eric Vredenburg
Carbonate-Anhydrite Facies Determination by Quantitative Seismic Stratigraphy in Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT
Richard F. Wadleigh, Jr., John A. Ward
Hydrocarbon Production Potential of Mississippian Rocks in Cowley County, Kansas: ABSTRACT
Karma Wagner
Tectonics and Dispersal of Miocene Rift-Fill Sediments, Southern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Dan Walker, Greg H. Mack
Seismic Stratigraphy of Pliocene-Pleistocene Deposits, Continental Slope-Upper Mississippi Fan, Northern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert D. Walters, Richard T. Buffler
Early Diagenesis of a Phylloid Algal-Mound Complex, Laborcita Formation, Southeastern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
W. Bruce Ward, William J. Meyers, Robert Goldstein
Cormorant Field, United Kingdom North Sea--Synergistic Approach to Optimum Development of a Complex Reservoir: ABSTRACT
D. G. Watters, M. C. T. Pagan, D. M. J. Provan
Lithostratigraphic Revision Within Upper Pennsylvanian Mattoon Formation, Illinois: ABSTRACT
C. Pius Weibel
Taphonomy of Coral Reefs from Southern Lagoon of Belize: ABSTRACT
Michael J. Westphall, Robert N. Ginsburg
Diagenesis and Sea Level Change in a Pleistocene Coral Reef, San Salvador, Bahamas: ABSTRACT
Brian White, Karen A. Kurkjy, H. Allen Curran
Hydrogen and Carbon Isotopes of C1 to C5 Alkanes in Natural Gases: ABSTRACT
M. J. Whiticar, E. Faber, M. Schoell
Sorbed vs. Free Sediment Gases--Differentiation of Thermogenic and Biogenic Gas Sources: ABSTRACT
Michael J. Whiticar, Eckhard Faber, Wolfgang Stahl
Burial Diagenesis of Allochthonous Carbonates from a Permian Slope Setting, Southeastern New Mexico: ABSTRACT
William D. Wiggins, Paul M. Harris
Multiple Submarine-Cemented Grainstone Sequences Along Leeward Carbonate Margins: Examples from Late Quaternary of Little and Great Bahama Banks: ABSTRACT
R. Jude Wilber, Albert C. Hine, Conrad Neumann
Point-Bar Deposits and Analysis of Subsurface Reservoir Dimensions, Toolachee Formation, Southern Cooper Basin, South Australia: ABSTRACT
Brian P. J. Williams
New Deeper Exploration Frontiers in Bass Basin: ABSTRACT
P. E. Williamson, C. J. Pigram, A. S. Scherl, K. L. Lockwood, M. A. Etheridge, J. C. Branson
Red Mountain Unit, Piceance Basin, Colorado: Field Laboratory for Research and Development in Coal Bed Methane Production: ABSTRACT
Stephen K. Wiman, Gregory J. Bell
Lewis Shale Reservoirs, Southern Wyoming: Turbidite Sandstones Deposited in Delta-Toe Settings: ABSTRACT
Robert D. Winn, Jr., Michele G. Bishop, Paul S. Gardner
Potential Hydrocarbon Traps Along Growth Faults of Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Lee A. Woodward
Effects of Mississippian Tectonic Movement on Sedimentation and Diagenesis of Greenbrier Group in Eastern Appalachian Plateau: ABSTRACT
Cindy A. Yeilding, Eileen M. Sullivan, Daniel A. Textoris, John M. Dennison
Dolomites and Early Mississippian Bioherms, Leadville Formation, Molas Lake, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Leonard M. Young
Piaui Basin, a Jambalaya of Geologic Structures: ABSTRACT
Pedro V. Zalan
Partitioning of Sediments Among Shoreface Transport Paths: Analysis of Sediment Dispersal Patterns Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions: ABSTRACT
G. A. Zarillo, T-C. Liu, H-S. Tsien, M. S. Zimmerman
Devonian Novaculites as Source of Oil in Marathon-Ouachita Thrust System: ABSTRACT
I. Zemmels, P. L. Grizzle, C. C. Walters, F. R. Haney
Hydrocarbon-Induced Diagenetic Aureole (HIDA)--Mineralogical and Isotopic Models: ABSTRACT
Al-Shaieb Zuhair, Janet Cairns, R. A. Lilburn