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AAPG Bulletin
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Lacustrine and Fluvial-Deltaic Depositional Systems, Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana
W. B. Ayers, Jr.
Structure and Tectonics of Central and Southern Appalachian Valley and Ridge and Plateau Provinces, West Virginian and Virginia
Byron R. Kulander , Stuart L. Dean
Relative Sea Level Changes During the Cretaceous in Israel
Akiva Flexer , Amnon Rosenfeld , Shulamit Lipson-Benitah , Avraham Honigstein
Petroleum Potential of Northern Australian Continental Shelf
M. R. Smith , J. G. Ross
Porosity Reduction in Sandstone by Quartz Overgrowth
Frederic Leder, Won C. Park
Mud Volcanoes, Shale Diapirs, Wrench Faults, and Melanges in Accretionary Complexes, Eastern Indonesia
A. J. Barber , S. Tjokrosapoetro , T. R. Charlton
Submarine Ramp Facies Model for Delta-Fed, Sand-Rich Turbidite Systems: DISCUSSION
J. D. Collinson
Submarine Ramp Facies Model for Delta-Fed, Sand-Rich Turbidite Systems: REPLY TO COLLINSON DISCUSSION
William R. Dickinson , Paul L. Heller
Submarine Ramp Facies Model for Delta-Fed, Sand-Rich Turbidite Systems: DISCUSSION
John W. F. Waldron
Submarine Ramp Facies Model for Delta-Fed, Sand-Rich Turbidite Systems: REPLY
Paul L. Heller , William R. Dickinson
Identification of Source Rocks on Wireline Logs by Density/Resistivity and Sonic Transit Time/Resistivity Crossplot: Crossplots: DISCUSSION
Yasin N. Aljawadi
Identification of Source Rocks on Wireline Logs by Density/Resistivity and Sonic Transit Time/Resistivity Crossplots: REPLY
B. L. Meyer, M. H. Nederlof