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AAPG Bulletin
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Geologic Framework of Italian Petroleum Resources
Marco Pieri , Luigi Mattavelli
Eustatic Sea Level Changes Interpreted from Seismic Stratigraphy: A Critique of the Methodology with Particular Reference to the North Sea Jurassic Record
Andrew D. Miall
A Tertiary Age for Upper Nubian Sandstone Formation, Central Sudan
G. Prasad , A. Lejal-Nicol , N. Vaudois-Mieja
Cambrian to Holocene Structural and Burial History of Nashville Dome
Richard G. Stearns, Arthur L. Reesman
Diagenetic Traps in Sandstones
Douglas J. Cant
Internal Geometry, Seismic Facies, and Petroleum Potential of Canyons and Inner Fan Channels of the Indus Submarine Fan
Timothy R. McHargue , James E. Webb
Geodynamic Models of Convergent Margin Tectonics: Transition from Rifted Margin to Overthrust Belt and Consequences for Foreland-Basin Development
Glen S. Stockmal , Christopher Beaumont , Ross Boutilier
Stratal Extension in Thrust Footwalls, Makran Accretionary Prism: Implications for Thrust Tectonics
John Paul Platt , Jeremy K. Leggett
Model for Sandstone-Carbonate "Cyclothems" Based on Upper Member of Morgan Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Northern Utah and Colorado: DISCUSSION
David W. Morrow
Model for Sandstone-Carbonate "Cyclothems" Based on Upper Member of Morgan Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Northern Utah and Colorado: REPLY
Steven G. Driese , R. H. Dott, Jr.