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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Reservoir Facies Architecture of Microtidal Barrier Systems
William E. Galloway
Facies Architecture and Production Characteristics of Strand-Plain Reservoirs in North Markham-North Bay City Field, Frio Formation, Texas
Noel Tyler , William A. Ambrose
Giant Gas Fields of Northern West Siberia
John D. Grace , George F. Hart
Depositional Response to Foreland Deformation in the Carboniferous of Eastern Kentucky
Anthony J. Tankard
The 1983 Landsat Soil-Gas Geochemical Survey of Patrick Draw Area, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
D. M. Richers , V. T. Jones , M. D. Matthews , J. Maciolek , R. J. Pirkle (5), W. C. Sidle (6)
Porosity Distribution in San Andres Formation (Permian), Cochran and Hockley Counties, Texas
P. E. Cowan , P. M. Harris
Deposition and Chemical Diagenesis of Tertiary Carbonates, Kirkuk Oil Field, Iraq
A. Hamid Majid , Jan Veizer