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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Seismic Stratigraphy of Early Pennsylvanian Morrowan Sandstones, Minneola Complex, Ford and Clark Counties, Kansas

Stacy L. Clark

Possible Late Middle Ordovician Organic Carbon Isotope Excursion: Evidence from Ordovician Oils and Hydrocarbon Source Rocks, Mid-Continent and East-Central United States

Joseph R. Hatch , Stephen R. Jacobson , Brian J. Witzke , J. Bruno Risatti (5), Donald E. Anders , W. Lynn Watney (6), K. David Newell (6), April K. Vuletich

Mozambique Upper Fan: Origin of Depositional Units

L. Droz, D. Mougenot

Tectonic, Sedimentary, and Seismic Models for D Sandstone, Zenith Field Area, Denver Basin, Colorado

Stephen A. Sonnenberg

High-Temperature Diagenesis in Shallow Chalk Reservoir, Skjold Oil Field, Danish North Sea: Evidence from Fluid Inclusions and Oxygen Isotopes

Jorgen Jensenius

Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Controls in Late Proterozoic-Early Cambrian Sediments of Amadeus Basin, Central Australia

John F. Lindsay

Development of Abnormal and Subnormal Pressures in Reservoirs Containing Bacterially Generated Gas

Colin Barker

Role of Pressure in Smectite Dehydration--Effects on Geopressure and Smectite-to-Illite Transformation

Virginia A. Colten-Bradley

NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE: Note 56--Records of Stratigraphic Commission, 1984-1986

Hydrodynamics of Minnelusa Formation, North Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ERRATUM

William V. Maloney

Estimating Drilling Direction for Optimum Production in a Fractured Reservoir: ERRATUM

Richard C. Nolen-Hoeksema, J. H. Howard

Yates Field, West Texas: Thousands of Caves, Millions of Years, Billions of Barrels: ABSTRACT

Dexter H. Craig

Evaluating Seals for Hydrocarbon Accumulations: ABSTRACT

Marlan W. Downey

Mediterranean Miocene Carbonates: Facies Models and Diagenesis: ABSTRACT

Mateu Esteban

Unconformities, Paleokarst Facies, and Porosity Evolution: ABSTRACT

Mateu Esteban

A Dry Hole or Reservoir Damage? What We Need to Know: ABSTRACT

John R. Farina

Carbonate Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity--The Value of Modern Analogs: ABSTRACT

Paul M. Harris

Depositional Environments and Petroleum Geology of Jurassic Eolian Deposits (Norphlet Formation), Eastern Gulf of Mexico Area: ABSTRACT

Ernest A. Mancini

Capital Reef Complex (Permian), Guadalupe Mountains, Southwestern United States: A Classic Sedimentologic Model in Flux: ABSTRACT

Lloyd C. Pray

Extensional Models for Formation of Sedimentary Basins and Continental Shelves: ABSTRACT

John G. Sclater

A Spectrum of Late Paleozoic and Cretaceous Shelf Bars, Western United States: ABSTRACT

Alan J. Scott

Depositional Systems and Cycles, Eocene Yegua Formation, Texas, Gulf Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

Alan J. Scott

Seismic Prediction of Porosity and Hydrocarbon Traps in Carbonate Rocks: ABSTRACT

M. Ray Thomasson

Geologic Exploration of Solar System: ABSTRACT

Charles A. Wood