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AAPG Bulletin

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Laramide Thrust-Generated Alluvial-Fan Sedimentation, Sphinx Conglomerate, Southwestern Montana

P. G. Decelles , R. B. Tolson , S. A. Graham , G. A. Smith , R. V. Ingersoll (5), J. White (6), C. J. Schmidt (7), R. Rice, (8), I. Moxon , L. Lemke (9), J. W. Handschy (10), M. F. Follo (11), D. P. Edwards (12), W. Cavazza (5), M. Caldwell (7), E. Bargar (13)

Late Burial Diagenesis of Niagaran (Middle Silurian) Pinnacle Reefs in Michigan Basin

Karen Rose Cercone , Kyger C. Lohmann

Evolution of Permian Evaporite Basin in Texas Panhandle

Mark W. Presley

Regional Variations in Formation Water Chemistry, Frio Formation (Oligocene), Texas Gulf Coast

Robert A. Morton , Lynton S. Land

Evaluation of Petroleum Generation from Resinites by Hydrous Pyrolysis

M. D. Lewan, J. A. Williams

Light Hydrocarbon Gases in Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Fluids: Thermogenic Versus Abiogenic Origin

J. A. Welhan , J. E. Lupton

Upper Permian (Guadalupian) Facies and Their Association with Hydrocarbons--Permian Basin, West Texas and New Mexico: DISCUSSION

Frank B. Conselman