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AAPG Bulletin
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Review of Stratigraphy, Structure, and Hydrocarbon Potential of Bass Basin, Australia
P. E. Williamson, C. J. Pigram, J. B. Colwell, A. S. Scherl, K. L. Lockwood, J. C. Branson
Seismic Interpretation of Carbonate Depositional Environments
J. M. Fontaine , R. Cussey , J. Lacaze , R. Lanaud , L. Yapaudjian (5)
Seismic Reflection Character Analysis of Stratigraphic Traps in Cretaceous Cardium Formation, Alberta, Canada
Roger M. Slatt , John C. Robinson , Kathe A. Lighty , (5), Gregory F. Moore , (6)
Experiments on Adsorption and Molecular Sieving and Inferences on Primary Migration in Upper Jurassic Claystone Source Rocks, North Sea
Holger Lindgreen
Stability of Natural Gas in the Deep Subsurface: Thermodynamic Calculation of Equilibrium Compositions
Nicholas E. Takach , Colin Barker , Marwin K. Kemp
Contemporaneous Subsidence and Fluvial Channel Sedimentation: Upper Mannville C Pool, Berry Field, Lower Cretaceous of Alberta
John C. Hopkins
Relationships Among Vitrinite Reflectance, Illite Crystallinity, and Organic Geochemistry in Carboniferous Strata, Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma and Arkansas: DISCUSSION
William Stannage
Relationships Among Vitrinite Reflectance, Illite Crystallinity, and Organic Geochemistry in Carboniferous Strata, Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma and Arkansas: REPLY
D. W. Houseknecht, W. D. Johns, J. M. Guthrie
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature: Note 55--Records of Stratigraphic Commission, 1982-1984
Structure and Tectonics of Central and Southern Appalachian Valley and Ridge and Plateau Provinces, West Virginia and Virginia: ERRATUM
Byron R. Kulander, Stuart L. Dean