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AAPG Bulletin
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Anatomy and Growth Pattern of Amazon Deep-Sea Fan as Revealed by Long-Range Side-Scan Sonar (GLORIA) and High-Resolution Seismic Studies
John E. Damuth , Roger D. Flood , Renato O. Kowsmann , Robert H. Belderson (5), Marcus A. Gorini (6)
Cyclic Sediment Deposition Within Amazon Deep-Sea Fan
P. L. Manley , R. D. Flood
Interpretation of Discontinuous Vitrinite Reflectance Profiles
B. J. Katz , R. N. Pheifer , D. J. Schunk
Origins of Relief Along Contacts Between Eolian Sandstones and Overlying Marine Strata
Terence B. Eschner , Gary Kocurek
Oil and Gas Play Maps in Exploration and Assessment: GEOLOGIC NOTE
David A. White