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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Transfer of River Load to Deep-Sea Fans: A Quantitative Approach
Andreas Wetzel
The Stratigraphy of Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) Reservoir Sandstones in the Witch Ground Graben, United Kingdom North Sea
S. D. Harker , K. A. Mantel , D. J. Morton , L. A. Riley (5)
Regional Microseep Survey of Part of the Productive Wyoming-Utah Thrust Belt
Roger G. Dickinson , Martin D. Matthews
Evolving Fluvial Style in the Kekiktuk Formation (Mississippian), Endicott Field Area, Alaska: Base Level Response to Contemporaneous Tectonism
John Melvin
Hydrogeology of Formation Waters, Northeastern Alberta Basin
Stefan Bachu, J. R. Underschultz
Restoration of Cross Sections Above Intrusive Salt Domes
Roger C. Brewer , Richard H. Groshong, Jr.
Numerical Zonation of Log Suites and Logfacies Recognition by Multivariate Clustering
D. Gill , A. Shomrony , H. Fligelman
Genetic Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Depositional Style, and Hydrocarbon Occurrence of the Upper Cretaceous QYN Formations in the Songliao Lacustrine Basin, Northeastern China
Liangqing Xue, William E. Galloway
Basin Architecture, Salt Tectonics, and Upper Jurassic Structural Styles, Desoto Canyon Salt Basin, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Grant MacRae , Joel S. Watkins