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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Role of Diagenesis in Exfoliation of Submarine Canyons
Cecilia M. McHugh , William B. F. Ryan , B. Charlotte Schreiber
Continental Margin Evolution of the Northern Arabian Platform in Syria
John A. Best , Muawia Barazangi , Damen Al-Saad , Tarif Sawaf , Ali Gebran
Influence of Lithology and Neogene Uplift on Seismic Velocities in Denmark: Implications for Depth Conversion of Maps
Peter Japsen
Refined Gasoline in the Subsurface
Lyle G. Bruce
Early Cretaceous Platform-Margin Configuration and Evolution in the Central Oman Mountains, Arabian Peninsula
Brian R. Pratt , John D. Smewing
Sequence Stratigraphy and Systems Tracts of a Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic Platform-Basin Setting: The Albian of Lunada and Soba, Northern Spain
Joaquin Garcia-Mondejar, Pedro Angel Fernandez-Mendiola
Fractional Isostatic Mantle Compensation of Carbonate Buildups: GEOLOGIC NOTE
I. Lerche , M. A. Perlmutter
Linear Features on Global Topographic Image: DISCUSSION
I. B. Campbell
Linear Features on Global Topographic Image: REPLY
Richard G. Miller