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AAPG Bulletin
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Diagenesis and Fluid Evolution of Deeply Buried Permian (Rotliegende) Gas Reservoirs, Northwest Germany
Reinhard Gaupp , Albert Matter , Jackie Platt , Karl Ramseyer , Johannes Walzebuck (5)
Timing of Turbidite Sedimentation on the Mississippi Fan
V. Kolla , M. A. Perlmutter
Diagenetic Heterogeneity and Reservoir Quality: Fluvial, Deltaic, and Turbiditic Sandstone Reservoirs, Potiguar and Reconcavo Rift Basins, Brazil
Marco A. S. Moraes , Ronald C. Surdam
Geometry and Kinematic Evolution of Inversion Structures
Shankar Mitra
Methane in Columbia River Basalt Aquifers: Isotopic and Geohydrologic Evidence for a Deep Coal-Bed Gas Source in the Columbia Basin, Washington
Vernon G. Johnson , David L. Graham , Stephen P. Reidel
Geomorphic Thresholds and Complex Response of Fluvial Systems--Some Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy
William A. Wescott
Combined Geological and Surface Geochemical Methods Discovered Agaritta and Brady Creek Fields, Concho County, Texas
D. F. Saunders , K. R. Burson , J. J. Brown , C. K. Thompson
Process Sedimentology and Reservoir Quality of Deep-Marine Bottom-Current Reworked Sands (Sandy Contourites): An Example from the Gulf of Mexico
G. Shanmugam , T. D. Spalding , D. H. Rofheart
Preservation of Anomalously High Porosity in Deeply Buried Sandstones by Grain-Coating Chlorite: Examples from the Norwegian Continental Shelf
S. N. Ehrenberg