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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Excess Area and Depth to Detachment
Jean-Luc Epard , Richard H. Groshong, Jr.
Evidence of Fluid Flow in Microfractures in Geopressured Shales
R. M. Capuano
Structure of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Implications for Trap Styles and Regional Tectonics
Carlos A. Dengo , Michael C. Covey
Permeability Prediction from Geologic Models
Steven Bryant , Christopher Cade , David Mellor
Mesaverde Group (Upper Cretaceous), Southeastern Wyoming: Allostratigraphy Versus Sequence Stratigraphy in a Tectonically Active Area
Ole J. Martinsen , Randi S. Martinsen , James R. Steidtmann
Coal-Cleat Domains and Domain Boundaries in the Allegheny Plateau of West Virginia
Byron R. Kulander , Stuart L. Dean
Akaso Field, Nigeria: Use of Integrated 3-D Seismic, Fault Slicing, Clay Smearing, and RFT Pressure Data on Fault Trapping and Dynamic Leakage
B. I. Jev , C. H. Kaars-Sijpesteijn , M. P. A. M. Peters , N. L. Watts , J. T. Wilkie
Petroleum Geology of Cretaceous-Tertiary Rift Basins in Niger, Chad, and Central African Republic
G. J. Genik