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AAPG Bulletin
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Prediction of Oil Gravity Prior to Drill-Stem Testing in Monterey Formation Reservoirs, Offshore California
D. K. Baskin , R. W. Jones
Preservation of Shallow Plagioclase Dissolution Porosity During Burial: Implications for Porosity Prediction and Aluminum Mass Balance
Salman Bloch, Stephen G. Franks
A Simpler Kinetic Model of Vitrinite Reflectance
Noriyuki Suzuki , Hideki Matsubayashi , Douglas W. Waples
Redox Reactions Involving Hydrocarbons and Mineral Oxidants: A Mechanism for Significant Porosity Enhancement in Sandstones
Ronald C. Surdam, Zun S. Jiao, Donald B. MacGowan
Depositional Environment and Organic Geochemistry of the Upper Permian Ravnefjeld Formation Source Rock in East Greenland
F. G. Christiansen , S. Piasecki , L. Stemmerik , N. Telnaes
Quartz Cementation in Sedimentary Basins
K. Bjorlykke , P. K. Egeberg
Reservoir Characterization and Diagenesis of the Oligocene 64-Zone Sandstone, North Belridge Field, Kern County, California
Thomas R. Taylor , Charles H. Soule