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AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphic Correlation by Integrating Photostratigraphy and Remote Sensing Multispectral Data: An Example from Jurassic-Eocene Strata, Northern Somalia
Maria Sgavetti , M. Carla Ferrari , Roberto Chiari , Pier Lorenzo Fantozzi , Ilaria Longhi (5)
Rift Border System: The Interplay Between Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Reconcavo Basin, Northeastern Brazil
Luciano P. Magnavita, Hercules T. F. da Silva
Carbonate-Evaporite Sequences of the Late Jurassic, Southern and Southwestern Arabian Gulf
A. S. Alsharhan, G. L. Whittle
Geochemical Character and Origin of Oils in Ordovician Reservoir Rock, Illinois and Indiana, USA
John M. Guthrie , Lisa M. Pratt
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Reservoir Subdivision of the Maastrichtian Chalk in the Dan Field, Danish North Sea
Lars Kristensen , Thomas Dons , Kim Gunn Maver , Poul Schioler
Geometry and Origin of Fault-Related Folds in Extensional Settings
Roy W. Schlische
Deltas of the Lake Malawi Rift, East Africa: Seismic Expression and Exploration Implications
Christopher A. Scholz
Pore Size and Pore Throat Types in a Heterogeneous Dolostone Reservoir, Devonian Grosmont Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Ping Luo , Hans G. Machel