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AAPG Bulletin
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Effect of Faulting on Fluid Flow in Porous Sandstones: Geometry and Spatial Distribution
Marco Antonellini, Atilla Aydin
Reinterpretation of Depositional Processes in a Classic Flysch Sequence (Pennsylvanian Jackfork Group), Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas and Oklahoma
G. Shanmugam, R. J. Moiola
Minimum Saturations and Buoyancy in Secondary Migration
L. M. Hirsch, A. H. Thompson
Automated, Quantitative Assessment of Basin History from a Multiwell Analysis
Edward W. Mason, Robert Ehrlich
Dolomite Diagenesis and Porosity Preservation in Lithic Reservoirs: Carmopolis Member, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Northeastern Brazil
R. S. de Souza , L. F. De Ros , S. Morad
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Individual Depositional Successions: Effects of Marine/Nonmarine Sediment Partitioning and Longitudinal Sediment Transport, Mannville Group, Alberta Foreland Basin, Canada
Douglas J. Cant
Sedimentology, Diagenesis, and Oil Habitat of Lower Cretaceous Qamchuqa Group, Northern Iraq
Saad Al Shdidi, Gerard Thomas, Jean Delfaud